How To Use Aloe To Heal A Sunburn
When you're at the beach or pool and forget to reapply sunblock - or apply it in the first place, for shame! - you always bemoan your poor body the next day, as you lie perfectly still with painful, lobster-red skin.
Other than chugging water to get your body rehydrated, the only way you know to heal sunburn is to apply aloe vera gel, with no real knowledge of what aloe does or why you should use it in the first place.
Well, if you want to know how to heal sunburn faster, aloe should always be in your medicine cabinet, along with a supersize bottle of sunblock for next time! Aloe is a type of miracle plant that is probably best known for its abilities to soothe sunburned skin.
If you have an aloe plant of your own, you could just scrape the gel out of the leaves and apply it to your sunburn; however, many people don't keep aloe plants on their kitchen counters or in their gardens.
If you don't have access to the pure plant gel, you can get a bottle of aloe gel for a few bucks at your local drugstore.
This is probably the most common way you've heard to heal a sunburn.
However, you can also find aloe in creams and other skin care products online, and these natural skin creams can help heal and soothe sunburns while also re-hydrating the skin similarly to the gel.
(It's an added bonus that you can continue to use the creams even after the sunburn is healed and faded.
) When you suffer a sunburn, your skin is sapped of moisture.
Aloe's goal is to restore that moisture back to your skin and provide some relief.
Aloe sucks the heat out of the sunburn, and allows the skin to cool and heal.
Aloe natural skin creams are soothing and calming, both on the burn itself and on your body after the burn has already healed.
These creams are light to the touch, keep the skin healthy and allow it to heal without bacteria getting into the wounded area and causing inflammation.
Even if you slather on the cream, though, you still need to rehydrate by drinking plenty of water in the hours after you experience the sunburn.
Pulling at peeling sunburned skin may feel good, but it doesn't help your body to heal any faster.
In fact, you should keep your hands off, and avoid any face and body scrub options until your body is back to its normal, unburned state.
Instead, just cleanse with a gentle face cleanser and pat dry with a clean towel, and apply a rejuvenating cream for face to help with the healing.
Aloe cream is a great thing to keep around for how to heal a sunburn faster.
Make sure you purchase a bottle and keep it in your medicine cabinet or beach bag before your next day in the sun.
Other than chugging water to get your body rehydrated, the only way you know to heal sunburn is to apply aloe vera gel, with no real knowledge of what aloe does or why you should use it in the first place.
Well, if you want to know how to heal sunburn faster, aloe should always be in your medicine cabinet, along with a supersize bottle of sunblock for next time! Aloe is a type of miracle plant that is probably best known for its abilities to soothe sunburned skin.
If you have an aloe plant of your own, you could just scrape the gel out of the leaves and apply it to your sunburn; however, many people don't keep aloe plants on their kitchen counters or in their gardens.
If you don't have access to the pure plant gel, you can get a bottle of aloe gel for a few bucks at your local drugstore.
This is probably the most common way you've heard to heal a sunburn.
However, you can also find aloe in creams and other skin care products online, and these natural skin creams can help heal and soothe sunburns while also re-hydrating the skin similarly to the gel.
(It's an added bonus that you can continue to use the creams even after the sunburn is healed and faded.
) When you suffer a sunburn, your skin is sapped of moisture.
Aloe's goal is to restore that moisture back to your skin and provide some relief.
Aloe sucks the heat out of the sunburn, and allows the skin to cool and heal.
Aloe natural skin creams are soothing and calming, both on the burn itself and on your body after the burn has already healed.
These creams are light to the touch, keep the skin healthy and allow it to heal without bacteria getting into the wounded area and causing inflammation.
Even if you slather on the cream, though, you still need to rehydrate by drinking plenty of water in the hours after you experience the sunburn.
Pulling at peeling sunburned skin may feel good, but it doesn't help your body to heal any faster.
In fact, you should keep your hands off, and avoid any face and body scrub options until your body is back to its normal, unburned state.
Instead, just cleanse with a gentle face cleanser and pat dry with a clean towel, and apply a rejuvenating cream for face to help with the healing.
Aloe cream is a great thing to keep around for how to heal a sunburn faster.
Make sure you purchase a bottle and keep it in your medicine cabinet or beach bag before your next day in the sun.