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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal
Learning to Speak "Cat"
English (or any other human language) is not spoken by cats.They do, however, speak to you in many other ways....More...
Instant Cat Obedience
Cat obedience is something that needs to be developed. To stop your little tiger from biting and attacking you, you need to know why they are behaving in this manner....More...
Black Cats Picture Gallery 3: Werecat AKA Weregato
Logically, Halloween brings up images of black cats, therefore we celebrate Black Cat Month will a celebration of black cat pictures. Enjoy the Black Cats Picture Gallery 3, including this picture and story of Werecat....More...
How to Start a Cat Rescue
You love cats, and you want to help those in need. But starting a cat rescue takes more than a love of everything feline. To operate a rescue successfully, you'll need business savvy and good organizational, accounting and marketing skills. You should be good at fundraising and know how to network e...More...
What to Feed Cats That Have Chronic Diarrhea
Chronic diarrhea in cats is caused by problems in the animal's intestinal tract. It is important to properly diagnose the intestinal problem to know which type of diet is best for your pet. In addition, an underlying problem may exist that requires treatment other than a change in diet....More...
My New Adopted Cat Won't Eat
When you adopt a cat and bring it into your home, the change of environment and routine can cause your cat to experience stress. A cat under stress can become lethargic and refuse to eat. Make your new cat feel more at home by taking measures to reduce its stress and coax it to eat to prevent it fro...More...
Cat Houses - Green Feline Living
When you think of making efforts to go green in your home, what does that entail? We are in a time when many people are doing more to try and become more environmentally friendly and leave less of a carbon footprint. ...More...
Diabetes Mellitus in Cats
Diabetes Mellitus in cats is commonly know simply as diabetes. Learn more about the signs of diabetes in cats and possible treatment options....More...
How to Build an Outdoor Wire Cat Enclosure
Many cat owners like to let their cats have the opportunity to spend some time outside. Unfortunately, allowing a pet cat to wander freely is dangerous, as they can be attacked by wild animals, hit by cars or simply get lost. One compromise solution is to build an outdoor cat enclosure, a large en...More...
10 Things Indoor Cats Need To Be Happy
Keeping your cat indoors is safer for a number of reasons: it minimizes its exposure to toxins as well as infections from other cats. Preventing your pet from venturing outdoors will also protect it from getting run over or being killed by dogs or other cats. Studies show that cats kept indoors live...More...
What to Consider In Caring For Your Cat
Domestic cats have many distinct behaviors that separate them from their kind. They sleep around much and tend to curl in any warm and soft surface. They also have an inclination to be lazy. Most cats we can see on the movies portray this kind of behavior....More...
Feline Hypertension Causes
Eye problems are one of the indications of feline hypertension.House Cat image by phizics from Fotolia.comAcute blindness, burst blood vessels in the cat's eyes, detached retina and overall disorientation are symptoms of feline hypertension, or high blood pressure. Prompt treatment is......More...
Your Cat Could Have One of These Common Endocrine Disorders
Hyperthyroid disorder is the over-production of hormones by the thyroid gland, and it is the most common endocrine disease in cats. Learn more about hyperthyroid disease in cats with this article from
What Are the Dangers of Placing Non-Microwave Safe Plastics in a Microwave?
Some plastics have been made to withstand high microwave temperatures, but care must be taken when cooking or reheating food in plastic containers in the microwave oven. Although there has been debate over whether or not microwaving plastic is actually dangerous to your health, it's better to take ...More...
Tips on Caring For a Young Kitten
When young cats get sick, they need extra attention. Usually, if the mama cat is around in your kitten's life, she will do most of the work as intended by nature. However, if you got your kitten from a shelter or a pet store, and especially if there is no other older cat around, you will have t...More...
How to Remove Cat Urine From Carpet With Homemade Cleaner
If you are a cat owner, you may be cleaning cat urine from your carpet at some point. The strong odor of cat urine makes prompt removal imperative. Several commercial products are available to remove cat urine from carpets; however, these products are costly and often contain toxic ingredients. Opt ...More...
Tips to Help Stop Your Cat From Urinating in the House - How to Stop Urinary Accidents
The first thing we need to figure out is whether your cat is doing this because of a medical or a behavioural problem. Some cats can have struvite crystals in their urine or interstitial cystitis, or possibly even an infection, all of which can cause some irritation in the bladder and make them want...More...
Cat Lice Symptoms
Frantic itching might be a sign of lice in cats.scratching cat image by Lucid_Exposure from Fotolia.comLice are blood-sucking parasites, and while the lice that affect cats do not attach to humans, they can quickly spread from cat to cat in the household. Felicola subrostratus, the louse......More...
How to Treat Hair Loss in Cats
Is your cat looking a little less furry lately? Hair loss in felines can occur for several different reasons. Hair loss can be caused by skin allergies, parasites such as fleas, lice or mites, hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiency as well as stress and anxiety. Follow the steps below to treat ...More...
Red Cats Picture Gallery: Rollins
We celebrate red cats in our December Picture Calendar, but we love them year-round. December is a great month for snuggling with your cat in front of a crackling fire, particularly if your cat mirrors the colors of the flames. We also can't forget that December cats are red for the color of Ch...More...
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