How to Play Golf on the Snow
The Chivas Snow Golf Championship was split into four categories which cover all the performance levels.
Every year, the circuit is established a few days before the beginning of the tournament, this tournament being supported from a financial point of view by a lot of people.
This tournament includes nine holes.
However, there is always something unexpected with this competition and that is what makes it so appreciated by people all around the world and by golf players all around the world.
There have been editions which were determined by the symbol of the cold season, in other words, by snow.
When this happened, the organizers were forced to reduce the dimensions of the route for the male professional players.
You should know that the snow is threshed one day before the beginning of the competition, so that the tracks are defined.
Of course, we now refer to the tracks which freeze a night before the competition.
Once the snow is threshed, the balls slide a lot better and therefore, the players get all the conditions they need in order to play the way they want.
Unlike the pitch on the golf court, the flags remain in the holes throughout the entire golf competition.
Also, the players have the opportunity to remake every hit and if a ball is lost, a new ball can be introduced in the game, the player being penalized with a hit.
As far as the golf clubs are concerned, the best ones to use during the winter are the ones which have the head made of steel.
When it comes to the balls, the players are offered fluorescent ones in shades of orange.
Every year, the circuit is established a few days before the beginning of the tournament, this tournament being supported from a financial point of view by a lot of people.
This tournament includes nine holes.
However, there is always something unexpected with this competition and that is what makes it so appreciated by people all around the world and by golf players all around the world.
There have been editions which were determined by the symbol of the cold season, in other words, by snow.
When this happened, the organizers were forced to reduce the dimensions of the route for the male professional players.
You should know that the snow is threshed one day before the beginning of the competition, so that the tracks are defined.
Of course, we now refer to the tracks which freeze a night before the competition.
Once the snow is threshed, the balls slide a lot better and therefore, the players get all the conditions they need in order to play the way they want.
Unlike the pitch on the golf court, the flags remain in the holes throughout the entire golf competition.
Also, the players have the opportunity to remake every hit and if a ball is lost, a new ball can be introduced in the game, the player being penalized with a hit.
As far as the golf clubs are concerned, the best ones to use during the winter are the ones which have the head made of steel.
When it comes to the balls, the players are offered fluorescent ones in shades of orange.