How to Shade Manga Pages
- 1). Place a sheet of screentone over the desired manga page and cut the screentone to fit the page. If the screentone is simply to produce an effect in a small area on the page, cut the screentone to fit in that shape or section such as the clothing. If the screentone is for a full background effect, cut to fit the page exactly; the tone will be removed from certain areas later.
- 2). Lay the screentone over the page (or area) and take care to line everything up precisely. Press down lightly on the screentone to engage light glue coating and bond the tone to the page, but do not press all over the tone as you will want some to be removed.
- 3). Cut the tone very carefully with the tone cutter, tracing the lines of the drawing where you want the tone removed. Then lift those sections of tone away.
- 4). Place a sheet of mounting paper over the tone and drawing and rub with the tone attachment tool. The glue will bond from the rubbing and the mounting paper will protect the tone from being rubbed off. If you do not have a tone attachment tool, you can use the back of a large spoon to apply the pressure and rubbing.
- 1). Scan the manga page that you wish to add shading to. Be sure to scan the page carefully, so it lines up evenly with the edges of the scanner bed and scans straight.
- 2). Open a comic drawing program and import your scanned drawing. Typically, there is a top menu and you can simply select "File" then "Import" and choose the scanned drawing to import to the program.
- 3). Select the tone you wish to add for shading and the type of effects you wish to apply the tone with. Most programs contain dozens, if not more, tones to choose from; so you should select a tone that produces the effect you want, or try out several tones until one seems right.
- 4). Click and move the mouse around the drawing to apply the tone. Etching may follow if tone is applied to areas it doesn't fit or look good in.
Tone by Hand
Tone by Computer