Genital Warts Info in a Nutshell
Nowadays, with the advancement in medicine, many people are less worried about their diseases.
Genital warts is a disease that many people don't know much about.
Moreover, they do not have the required genital warts info to guide them properly.
This article will help them learn a lot about it.
Genital warts are small bumps found in the genital area of human beings.
They might be flat, flesh colored or tiny, cauliflower-like in shape.
In men, they can form on the penis, near the anus or in the area lying between the penis and the scrotum.
In females, they may grow on the vulva, or the perennial area, inside the vagina or on the cervix.
They may be of various sizes, some too small to be seen with a naked eye.
A virus called 'Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is considered to be the cause of this disease.
There are many kinds of this virus but some of them are more dangerous than the other.
The more dangerous ones can lead to cancer of vulva, anus and penis.
But the less dangerous ones do not necessarily lead to cancer.
Having genital warts info in detail can help control this problem.
Sings and Symptoms of HPV The signs or symptoms of HPV infection do not become evident immediately.
Sometime, the infected person does not develop any symptoms at all.
The human immune system clears the infection, or the symptoms, within two years in most of the cases.
But sometimes, they become evident after a while.
The first symptoms will appear as small bumps, or group of bumps, in the genital area.
They can be of various sizes and shapes.
They can be easily identified by a health care provider by simply looking at the genital area.
If someone has had a sexual contact with an infected partner, the signs may appear within a few weeks or some months.
There is a chance that they may go away even if left untreated.
Sometimes, HPV can cause cervical cancer.
It will not show up until it is quite advanced.
At that time, if you get this genital warts info, it might become quite complicated to treat them properly.
It is highly recommended that women get regular screening tests for cervical cancer.
If this problem is diagnosed well in time, they can be treated before they become malignant.
Another form of infection is the RRP, causing warts to develop in the throat.
This causes a blockage of the airway, resulting in a harsh voice or a trouble in breathing.
Other symptoms of general warts include: •Unusual discharge from or bleeding of vagina, •Pain in the lower part of the back, •Painful intercourse, •Pain during urination, etc.
The presence of these symptoms does not necessarily mean infection.
They may be caused by other reasons.
It is always advisable to consult an experienced physician before going for the treatment.
In short, genital warts is neither a disease to be ignored nor it is to be taken as a fatal disease.
If properly taken care of, it can be remedied easily.
The first step towards this treating is to have the detailed genital warts info.
Genital warts is a disease that many people don't know much about.
Moreover, they do not have the required genital warts info to guide them properly.
This article will help them learn a lot about it.
Genital warts are small bumps found in the genital area of human beings.
They might be flat, flesh colored or tiny, cauliflower-like in shape.
In men, they can form on the penis, near the anus or in the area lying between the penis and the scrotum.
In females, they may grow on the vulva, or the perennial area, inside the vagina or on the cervix.
They may be of various sizes, some too small to be seen with a naked eye.
A virus called 'Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is considered to be the cause of this disease.
There are many kinds of this virus but some of them are more dangerous than the other.
The more dangerous ones can lead to cancer of vulva, anus and penis.
But the less dangerous ones do not necessarily lead to cancer.
Having genital warts info in detail can help control this problem.
Sings and Symptoms of HPV The signs or symptoms of HPV infection do not become evident immediately.
Sometime, the infected person does not develop any symptoms at all.
The human immune system clears the infection, or the symptoms, within two years in most of the cases.
But sometimes, they become evident after a while.
The first symptoms will appear as small bumps, or group of bumps, in the genital area.
They can be of various sizes and shapes.
They can be easily identified by a health care provider by simply looking at the genital area.
If someone has had a sexual contact with an infected partner, the signs may appear within a few weeks or some months.
There is a chance that they may go away even if left untreated.
Sometimes, HPV can cause cervical cancer.
It will not show up until it is quite advanced.
At that time, if you get this genital warts info, it might become quite complicated to treat them properly.
It is highly recommended that women get regular screening tests for cervical cancer.
If this problem is diagnosed well in time, they can be treated before they become malignant.
Another form of infection is the RRP, causing warts to develop in the throat.
This causes a blockage of the airway, resulting in a harsh voice or a trouble in breathing.
Other symptoms of general warts include: •Unusual discharge from or bleeding of vagina, •Pain in the lower part of the back, •Painful intercourse, •Pain during urination, etc.
The presence of these symptoms does not necessarily mean infection.
They may be caused by other reasons.
It is always advisable to consult an experienced physician before going for the treatment.
In short, genital warts is neither a disease to be ignored nor it is to be taken as a fatal disease.
If properly taken care of, it can be remedied easily.
The first step towards this treating is to have the detailed genital warts info.