What Are the Symptoms of a Blockage in Cats?
Mucus, struvite crystals and bladder stones can bunch together to form an actual plug in the narrow urethra of the male cat.
The opening is so small that it does not take a lot to completely or even partially obstruct urine flow.
It is sometimes hard to tell what the symptoms of a blockage are because the symptoms mimic other illnesses.
Look for; Pain while urinating, frequent urination, small amounts or no urine, excessive grooming of genitals, and blood in the urine.
If urination becomes painful your cat will start associating the litter box with pain and will stop using her litter box and urinate outside of it.
The toxins from a cat urinary blockage will cause vomiting, nausea, and appetite loss.
If the blockage lasts more than three days, the toxins build up and the result is death.
Symptoms of a blockage in cat from bladder stones cause severe inflammation of the bladder, leading to blood in the urine, pain, and chronic infections.
The veterinarian will feel the bladder in the abdomen and attempt to push the urine from the bladder.
Sometimes this gentle pressure will expel the obstruction, but usually the cat will require other methods to remove the blockage, possibly surgery.
Cat urinary blockage is mainly a problem of male cats.
This is because the female urethra is shorter and broader, therefore it is much more difficult for an obstruction to form with smaller crystals or bladder stones.
When urinary blockage becomes recurrent in a male cat, it is time to consider surgical reconstruction of the genitalia to create a new urinary opening which is wider so that no obstructions can occur.
There are two main causes for this disease; 1.
Pets fed a diet with low quality nutrients and over processed pet food.
Struvite crystals, bladder stones and urinary disease syndromes are examples of nutritionally influenced disease conditions.
Wild felines eat a meat based, raw diet with vitamins, minerals and enzymes.
You can either feed a raw diet or treat cat urinary blockage through a prescription diet which stabilizes the urine pH.
Bladder stones which are small can be treated with a prescription diet.
Large stones will have to be removed surgically and afterward a raw or prescription diet to prevent the stones from returning.
There are other options to keep your cat free of cat urinary blockage.
Natural alternative products can be added to the diet to promote an environment in the bladder which boosts the immune response, maintain urinary tract and bladder health.
Homeopathic bladder infection treatments exist for your cat if you do not want to submit them to dangerous side effects of prescription drugs.
The opening is so small that it does not take a lot to completely or even partially obstruct urine flow.
It is sometimes hard to tell what the symptoms of a blockage are because the symptoms mimic other illnesses.
Look for; Pain while urinating, frequent urination, small amounts or no urine, excessive grooming of genitals, and blood in the urine.
If urination becomes painful your cat will start associating the litter box with pain and will stop using her litter box and urinate outside of it.
The toxins from a cat urinary blockage will cause vomiting, nausea, and appetite loss.
If the blockage lasts more than three days, the toxins build up and the result is death.
Symptoms of a blockage in cat from bladder stones cause severe inflammation of the bladder, leading to blood in the urine, pain, and chronic infections.
The veterinarian will feel the bladder in the abdomen and attempt to push the urine from the bladder.
Sometimes this gentle pressure will expel the obstruction, but usually the cat will require other methods to remove the blockage, possibly surgery.
Cat urinary blockage is mainly a problem of male cats.
This is because the female urethra is shorter and broader, therefore it is much more difficult for an obstruction to form with smaller crystals or bladder stones.
When urinary blockage becomes recurrent in a male cat, it is time to consider surgical reconstruction of the genitalia to create a new urinary opening which is wider so that no obstructions can occur.
There are two main causes for this disease; 1.
Pets fed a diet with low quality nutrients and over processed pet food.
Struvite crystals, bladder stones and urinary disease syndromes are examples of nutritionally influenced disease conditions.
Wild felines eat a meat based, raw diet with vitamins, minerals and enzymes.
You can either feed a raw diet or treat cat urinary blockage through a prescription diet which stabilizes the urine pH.
Bladder stones which are small can be treated with a prescription diet.
Large stones will have to be removed surgically and afterward a raw or prescription diet to prevent the stones from returning.
There are other options to keep your cat free of cat urinary blockage.
Natural alternative products can be added to the diet to promote an environment in the bladder which boosts the immune response, maintain urinary tract and bladder health.
Homeopathic bladder infection treatments exist for your cat if you do not want to submit them to dangerous side effects of prescription drugs.