Cat Picture of the Week: Thomas
Thomas's photo also appears in the 2009 Red Cats Picture Gallery for December.
I was grieving for my lost red Manx cat, Pugsley. After over a year, I was finally was ready for another cat and got an adorable Tuxedo kitten. He quickly filled my house with fun and energy, but this story isn't about him.
I was still haunted by Pugsley, because for all I knew he was still out there. I continued to search the web and check rescue cats at pet stores, just in case. Then it seemed a miracle had happened.
I saw Thomas, a red Manx cat for adoption at a local pet store. His markings were strikingly similar, he had just a stubby tail and he was exactly the right age (six years.) Could it be Pugsley? I felt an undeniable connection, but I wasn't sure. I reluctantly left the store.
I couldn't stop thinking about Thomas. I took my daughter up to the store and had her look at him. She, like me wanted to believe he was our long-lost pet. We got him out and held him. What a sweetheart!! This time I was sure it wasn't Pugsley, though. I left again without him.
One week later, the wise young woman that is my daughter, showed up on my doorstep with Thomas in her arms. Thomas has healed my heart. He is a very different cat from the one I lost, yet every bit as special. From day one it seemed like we were old friends. He loves to give me kisses on the end of my nose. He's not a lap cat, but likes to stay close, usually with a paw reached out to "just stay in touch."
For anyone thinks you can't have the same type of relationship with an older, adopted cat as you can with a kitten - It's just not true.
Follow your heart. You won't be disappointed.
© Susan Winningham
Thanks to Susan's daughter, she learned that you can't really replace a cat who has passed on. However, you can fill the hole in your heart, while honoring the cat who went forward, by adopting another kitty. Susan also learned that adopted senior cats have something very special to offer. I hope many people reading her message will also open their hearts and to senior cats.
You may submit your own cat photos by following the Photo Submission Guidelines. Sorry, but I will be unable to publish your photos without all the requested information.
I was grieving for my lost red Manx cat, Pugsley. After over a year, I was finally was ready for another cat and got an adorable Tuxedo kitten. He quickly filled my house with fun and energy, but this story isn't about him.
I was still haunted by Pugsley, because for all I knew he was still out there. I continued to search the web and check rescue cats at pet stores, just in case. Then it seemed a miracle had happened.
I saw Thomas, a red Manx cat for adoption at a local pet store. His markings were strikingly similar, he had just a stubby tail and he was exactly the right age (six years.) Could it be Pugsley? I felt an undeniable connection, but I wasn't sure. I reluctantly left the store.
I couldn't stop thinking about Thomas. I took my daughter up to the store and had her look at him. She, like me wanted to believe he was our long-lost pet. We got him out and held him. What a sweetheart!! This time I was sure it wasn't Pugsley, though. I left again without him.
One week later, the wise young woman that is my daughter, showed up on my doorstep with Thomas in her arms. Thomas has healed my heart. He is a very different cat from the one I lost, yet every bit as special. From day one it seemed like we were old friends. He loves to give me kisses on the end of my nose. He's not a lap cat, but likes to stay close, usually with a paw reached out to "just stay in touch."
For anyone thinks you can't have the same type of relationship with an older, adopted cat as you can with a kitten - It's just not true.
Follow your heart. You won't be disappointed.
© Susan Winningham
Thanks to Susan's daughter, she learned that you can't really replace a cat who has passed on. However, you can fill the hole in your heart, while honoring the cat who went forward, by adopting another kitty. Susan also learned that adopted senior cats have something very special to offer. I hope many people reading her message will also open their hearts and to senior cats.
You may submit your own cat photos by following the Photo Submission Guidelines. Sorry, but I will be unable to publish your photos without all the requested information.