A Quick Tutorial - How to Upload Your Videos to YouTube
If you're a business owner looking to upload videos to YouTube, you probably know by now it's not a complicated process.
However, there are some tips and tricks you'll need to remember along the way.
Since YouTube has a huge number of members and site visitors, it's important to make your video as easy to find as possible.
YouTube will give you step-by-step instructions on how to upload your videos, but they also provide you with video uploading tips; tips that will not only make it possible for your videos to be uploaded, but tips that will also help to improve their quality.
Before you upload anything, you'll need to have a YouTube account.
Registering for you a YouTube account is free and easy.
Make Sure Your Video is Formatted Properly Before uploading your video to the YouTube website, you will need to tranfer it to your computer if you haven't done so already.
Once you have reviewed it, you can save it to your computer.
YouTube encourages to you save your videos as.
Divx or.
Xvid files - however, you can also upload.
avi's and mpegs.
Log Into Your Account and Get Ready to Upload The first step is to make sure that you are signed into your YouTube account.
From this screen, click on the "Upload Videos" link.
You will then be brought to a page where you will be asked to describe your video.
YouTube requests that you are descriptive as possible.
Describe Your Video This is the important part - choose your relevant keywords carefully - be honest and accurate.
An interesting description that makes your viewers want to watch is helpful - although many businesses forgo descriptions at all, simply tagging their video with a ton of keywords.
This is not recommended! YouTube forwns on it, and users are annoyed by it.
When describing your video, make sure to use good copy writing.
A question or an action statement can lead a viewer in to click.
A few examples of good lead-in descriptions: Once you have entered in as much information about your video as you can, you will then need to click on the "Go Upload a File," link.
This will allow you to select a file from your computer; the file that contains your recently saved video.
Once you have selected the right video, your video will automatically start uploading, after have confirmed your actions.
The larger your video file size, the longer it takes.
If your connection speed is slow, it can take up to an hour just to upload your video.
Fight the urge to hit the back button or do anything that interferes with the uploading process.
Sit Back, and Wait for Traffic It takes about twenty-four hours for your video to be listed under the correct category, as well as appear in YouTube video searches.
This is when your videos will start seeing the most views.
It's best to check back on a daily basis for comments and views.
However, there are some tips and tricks you'll need to remember along the way.
Since YouTube has a huge number of members and site visitors, it's important to make your video as easy to find as possible.
YouTube will give you step-by-step instructions on how to upload your videos, but they also provide you with video uploading tips; tips that will not only make it possible for your videos to be uploaded, but tips that will also help to improve their quality.
Before you upload anything, you'll need to have a YouTube account.
Registering for you a YouTube account is free and easy.
Make Sure Your Video is Formatted Properly Before uploading your video to the YouTube website, you will need to tranfer it to your computer if you haven't done so already.
Once you have reviewed it, you can save it to your computer.
YouTube encourages to you save your videos as.
Divx or.
Xvid files - however, you can also upload.
avi's and mpegs.
Log Into Your Account and Get Ready to Upload The first step is to make sure that you are signed into your YouTube account.
From this screen, click on the "Upload Videos" link.
You will then be brought to a page where you will be asked to describe your video.
YouTube requests that you are descriptive as possible.
Describe Your Video This is the important part - choose your relevant keywords carefully - be honest and accurate.
An interesting description that makes your viewers want to watch is helpful - although many businesses forgo descriptions at all, simply tagging their video with a ton of keywords.
This is not recommended! YouTube forwns on it, and users are annoyed by it.
When describing your video, make sure to use good copy writing.
A question or an action statement can lead a viewer in to click.
A few examples of good lead-in descriptions: Once you have entered in as much information about your video as you can, you will then need to click on the "Go Upload a File," link.
This will allow you to select a file from your computer; the file that contains your recently saved video.
Once you have selected the right video, your video will automatically start uploading, after have confirmed your actions.
- What happens when you substitute sweet and low for regular sugar in mom's brownie recipe?
- We take the new HumVee for a test drive through the desert, see what happens next...
- Jessica struts her stuff in our new swim wear line...
The larger your video file size, the longer it takes.
If your connection speed is slow, it can take up to an hour just to upload your video.
Fight the urge to hit the back button or do anything that interferes with the uploading process.
Sit Back, and Wait for Traffic It takes about twenty-four hours for your video to be listed under the correct category, as well as appear in YouTube video searches.
This is when your videos will start seeing the most views.
It's best to check back on a daily basis for comments and views.