Increase Your Wealth With Real Estate Part 3
Tired of Being Broke? Part 3 Show Me the Money A three part series on how to increase your wealth with real estate So, you know things are bad right now.
You now see why it's so important to start thinking about the security of your family's future.
What now? Now we need to find the money! The first thing you should do is write down every single thing you spend money on for the next 30 days.
Become accountable for every penny you earn and spend.
Next, review everything at the end of the month.
Make a list of all necessary expenses then figure out how much you have left.
This is the discretionary fund with which you will find your investment fund.
Now's the hard part.
It's time to purge.
Trim down your budget to the necessities, with a small allowance for extras.
If you want to make a change, you have to get serious and stop making excuses! To have the kind of life no one else has later, you have to make the changes no one else will now.
Take a hard look at your overall lifestyle.
Do you lease a car? Give it up.
Be creative and get really serious about it.
If you had a pay cut or you or your spouse lost their jobs, what would you do? Pretend as if that's happened and figure out how to trim the budget.
Once you've done that you now have an investment fund.
The next step is to find a property in which to invest.
I strongly urge you to consider offshore investing, as you're more likely to get a lower deposit and lower interest rate, plus it's easier to qualify for the loan in some cases.
I bet you're telling yourself that it's easier said than done.
And you're right.
But doing this is the single biggest action that separates you from everyone else.
It shows you are committed to a better life.
Taking the first step may be difficult, but you will really be creating lasting wealth and freedom.
So, recognize how bad things are right now and that Uncle Sam isn't going to bail you out.
Realize that now is the time to start investing, no matter how bad off you are.
And review your finances to find the investment funds you need.
If you do this, success is yours.
You now see why it's so important to start thinking about the security of your family's future.
What now? Now we need to find the money! The first thing you should do is write down every single thing you spend money on for the next 30 days.
Become accountable for every penny you earn and spend.
Next, review everything at the end of the month.
Make a list of all necessary expenses then figure out how much you have left.
This is the discretionary fund with which you will find your investment fund.
Now's the hard part.
It's time to purge.
Trim down your budget to the necessities, with a small allowance for extras.
If you want to make a change, you have to get serious and stop making excuses! To have the kind of life no one else has later, you have to make the changes no one else will now.
Take a hard look at your overall lifestyle.
Do you lease a car? Give it up.
Be creative and get really serious about it.
If you had a pay cut or you or your spouse lost their jobs, what would you do? Pretend as if that's happened and figure out how to trim the budget.
Once you've done that you now have an investment fund.
The next step is to find a property in which to invest.
I strongly urge you to consider offshore investing, as you're more likely to get a lower deposit and lower interest rate, plus it's easier to qualify for the loan in some cases.
I bet you're telling yourself that it's easier said than done.
And you're right.
But doing this is the single biggest action that separates you from everyone else.
It shows you are committed to a better life.
Taking the first step may be difficult, but you will really be creating lasting wealth and freedom.
So, recognize how bad things are right now and that Uncle Sam isn't going to bail you out.
Realize that now is the time to start investing, no matter how bad off you are.
And review your finances to find the investment funds you need.
If you do this, success is yours.