Aqua Aerobics: Stay Healthy and Be Eco-Friendly
I’ve started to become more conscious of the environment recently, and when I looked around the gym, I wanted something that didn’t seem so dependent on energy – like a treadmill running on electricity. I realized that the local pool was my answer. It was the option right in the neighborhood that people might not think about.
Low impact.
When I work out, I want something that doesn’t put extra stress on my body.
The workouts I do can change my emotional state, and in the interest of being more in tune with my world, I wanted something that was low impact. Because of the buoyancy provided by water, my body only has to support a fraction of its own body weight. I love that factor, because I can feel the lightness as I work out in the water. That’s why water workouts are good for a wide variety of people – everyone from seniors to women who are pregnant can work out effectively in the pool. Here are some great articles about aqua aerobics:
Easy to start.
While many exercise routines are complicated and expensive, it is pretty easy to get started with water workouts. To get really simple, just step into the pool deep enough where your feet don’t touch the bottom, and tread water for as long as you can. It will get your heart rate elevated pretty quickly, and that’s the point of these exercises – to put an aerobic component in your workout.
You just use the pool – and don’t turn on any exercise equipment, saving energy while you exercise.
Lots of choices.
While there are simple ways to start working out in the water, one strong appeal of these exercises is the tremendous variety. Many people start with a group fitness class, to see what it’s all about. People are very friendly in a group class – because it just feels good being in the water. For those who want to branch out, there are options like aqua kick boxing or Zumba dance classes to get in a really strenuous workout. For those who want stress relief, there are aqua tai chi and yoga. To get a very effective cardio workout that rivals a treadmill or trail run, just go to the pool when the lap lanes are open, and move up and down one in a good running posture. There’s a reason that marathon runners use aqua jogging for cross training – it provides a substantial workout which mirrors the motions of running.
Heart healthy.
When a person works out in the water, there is a bonus that land based exercise can’t offer – less stress on the heart. In the water, a person’s heart rate will be about 13 percent lower – which means about 17 fewer heart beats per minute. A person can get the equivalent workout they would in the gym, but put significantly less stress on their heart. This effect is thought to be due to the lessened effect of gravity, along with the lower temperature of the water.
The water is a dense medium. It takes more effort to push against the water – just get in the pool and try to walk through the water, and you’ll appreciate how big an impact resistance has. This means that each motion in the water has an extra benefit, because it works the muscles a little more than just walking across the room. It’s like having an additional exercise element from each exercise, just from being in the water.
For a way to be energy conscious, and still get a great workout, the pool has proven to be my secret “gym in the water.”
Kaitlin Gardner started An Apple Per Day to explore her passion for a green living lifestyle, and healthy family living. She and her husband have just moved to rural Pennsylvania, where they enjoy exploring the countryside to discover interesting and out of the way places. She is also learning how to paint watercolors.