Heart Disease In Women Is Not As Uncommon As You Think
The general thought is that heart diseases occur mostly in men while women can rest easy as far as this issue is concerned.
However, this is a highly dangerous misconception that can lead to women ignoring some definite signs of a heart problem.
Statistics speak for themselves; this organ is the number one killer of women in America.
There are several kinds of cardiovascular diseases, while some have been studied in detail there are others which are still being researched.
Coronary Heart Disease This is the most common cause of heart problems.
A coronary disease occurs when the main artery that delivers oxygen rich blood to this organ gets clogged due to some reason.
Plaque formation is the most common reason for such clogging of arteries.
Cholesterol, calcium and fat are all substances that can lead to plaque formation which can harden over time causing the arteries to narrow.
This reduces the amount of blood supply and can lead to organ failure.
The most common symptom of this disease is pain in the chest which is generally the symptom that all is not well.
Microvascular Disease This is the name given to a cardiovascular disease that is caused due to the blocking of minor arteries.
This is one of the more common forms of heart disease in women.
It affects women more than men.
This kind of a vascular disease if not easy to identify by the standard tests that are usually used.
Women suffering from microvascular disease might get perfect test results and consider themselves at a lower risk for an attack.
Broken Heart Syndrome This is a relatively new finding which suggests that a sudden increase in stress can lead to temporary damage of the heart muscles.
This is again more a problem in women rather than men.
Studies are still on to find the exact cause and the prevention methods for this form.
Heart problems are generally very severe and can be fatal.
Thus the symptoms should never be ignored no matter what the gender of the patient.
While genetics play a major role in such cardiovascular diseases, life style also plays its part.
Smoking is one of the most common causes that can lead to heart diseases.
Congestive heart failure is the inability of the organ to pump enough amount of blood.
This weakening of the organ can be caused by heart attacks as well by consumption of alcohol as well as smoking.
A sedentary lifestyle with very little exercise and obesity are other common triggers that can cause problems.
A healthy and happy life style can go a long way in keeping heart disease in women at bay.
However, this is a highly dangerous misconception that can lead to women ignoring some definite signs of a heart problem.
Statistics speak for themselves; this organ is the number one killer of women in America.
There are several kinds of cardiovascular diseases, while some have been studied in detail there are others which are still being researched.
Coronary Heart Disease This is the most common cause of heart problems.
A coronary disease occurs when the main artery that delivers oxygen rich blood to this organ gets clogged due to some reason.
Plaque formation is the most common reason for such clogging of arteries.
Cholesterol, calcium and fat are all substances that can lead to plaque formation which can harden over time causing the arteries to narrow.
This reduces the amount of blood supply and can lead to organ failure.
The most common symptom of this disease is pain in the chest which is generally the symptom that all is not well.
Microvascular Disease This is the name given to a cardiovascular disease that is caused due to the blocking of minor arteries.
This is one of the more common forms of heart disease in women.
It affects women more than men.
This kind of a vascular disease if not easy to identify by the standard tests that are usually used.
Women suffering from microvascular disease might get perfect test results and consider themselves at a lower risk for an attack.
Broken Heart Syndrome This is a relatively new finding which suggests that a sudden increase in stress can lead to temporary damage of the heart muscles.
This is again more a problem in women rather than men.
Studies are still on to find the exact cause and the prevention methods for this form.
Heart problems are generally very severe and can be fatal.
Thus the symptoms should never be ignored no matter what the gender of the patient.
While genetics play a major role in such cardiovascular diseases, life style also plays its part.
Smoking is one of the most common causes that can lead to heart diseases.
Congestive heart failure is the inability of the organ to pump enough amount of blood.
This weakening of the organ can be caused by heart attacks as well by consumption of alcohol as well as smoking.
A sedentary lifestyle with very little exercise and obesity are other common triggers that can cause problems.
A healthy and happy life style can go a long way in keeping heart disease in women at bay.