Food Remedies That Boost Your Immune System to Fight the Common Cold and the Flu Virus
Winter is here! So what does that mean? That means lots of soup to be eaten, cold medicine is going to be needed, runny noses will need to be wiped and more sick days will be used.
The common cold is one of the most prevalent cause of illness in the world says Rallie Mcallister, MD, MPH, a board- certified family physician at Nathaniel Mission Clinic in Lexington, Kentucky, and Author of Healthy Lunchbox; The Working Mom's Guide To Keeping You and Your Kids Trim.
A common cold can last between 8 to 10 days.
This infection is caused when 200 or more cold causing virus invades the cells of the nose and throat.
The flu is caused by a virus, 36,000 people die from the flu each year.
The Center for Disease Control in Atlanta recommend that everyone get a flu shot rather they want to or not.
Studies have shown that the shot is effective in healthy people under the age of 65.
There is no possible way to avoid the infection unless you move to a deserted island, but I doubt anyone could live like that.
There is no cure for the cold, but there are natural ways to prevent it and to get relief from it.
I want to give you just a few important tips on how to avoid the sniffles, runny nose, cough, etc.
Never be around someone that shows signs of the cold or flu.
Keep your hands clean and free of germs by washing your hands with soap for 20 seconds with warm water and use hand sanitizer if you have no water to wash your hands.
Be active with your children when avoiding the cold.
Let them know how very important it is to cover their mouth when they have to sneeze or cough.
Make sure they throw away their tissues, if you have too don't touch them with your bare hands, if you do make sure to wash them afterward.
Make sure your home is warm throughout the home; if not make sure you and your children keep socks on their feet and dress warmly.
Clean the door knob in the bathroom and the sink handles in the bathroom and kitchen with bleach and soap water.
Use Lysol sanitizer spray for the home to kill germs.
Bundle up when going out doors.
Many people don't take advantage of the foods we eat; they eat them because of a craving or hunger.
If most people knew the health benefits of certain foods there would be fewer illnesses.
Foods we eat everyday contains powerful compounds that help stop and prevent viruses, infections and diseases.
Believe it or not yogurt can help prevent you from getting a cold.
Some yogurts have a healthy bacteria in it called Lactobacillus reuteri or a placebo (dummy pill) A Research was done in Sweden on 262 people and the results concluded that people who ate yogurt were less likely to catch a cold.
They believe that yogurt keeps the viruses from binding to the tissue.
You see you can't eat just any yogurt; the only yogurt in the US that contains these healthy bacteria is Stonyfield Farm.
Fruits and vegetables have a compound called glutathione, which boost the immune system and make large numbers of macrophages; these are cells that fight against the cold cells.
The fruits and veggies that have this compound is broccoli, watermelon, avocados, asparagus, potatoes, cauliflower, cantaloupe, strawberries, peaches okra, tomatoes, winter squash, oranges and grapefruit are very good sources.
Another highly effective compound is Vitamin C.
Though doctors are still debating whether it can prevent a cold, but when getting large amounts of it does tend to make you feel better.
Vitamin C lowers the level of histamine; it's a defensive chemical that's responsible for stuffiness and flu like symptoms.
Your best bet as to getting higher doses of this compound is by drinking orange juice, cranberry juice and grapefruit juice.
Wine is a good way to help boost your immune system too.
It has resveratrol which stops the influenza cells from replicating.
Researchers from Mississippi tested 11 bottles of wine and found that Pinot Noirs from California has the most resveratrol in it.
This does not mean you can drink all the wine you want, drinking too much can raise your blood pressure.
So drink in moderation.
Garlic has active compound that can fight off just about every infection.
You have to eat a lot of it; you will have to eat an entire bulb a day.
Cooking it can take away some of its nutrients, if you can eat it raw the do that.
Chicken noodle soup, spicy foods and Chile peppers help keep the immune system strong.
It also prevents inflammation and congestion in the airways.
Last but not least tea, tea not only boosts your immune system, but it loosens up congestion and prevents viruses.
The two compounds with all of this power which is in tea are called quercetin and theophylline.
One great way to relieve nasal congestion is by eating jalapenos peppers and ground red pepper called cayenne.
These peppers contain a compound called capsaicin, which is similar to a drug used in cold and flu medications that helps you breathe.
Changing your diet changes everything, it give you greater health and saves you loads of money on your medical bills.
If you are looking to change your diet look into meal plans like veggie.
A veggie meal plan is hearty and healthy with loads of beneficial foods and nutrients for a healthy life.
The common cold is one of the most prevalent cause of illness in the world says Rallie Mcallister, MD, MPH, a board- certified family physician at Nathaniel Mission Clinic in Lexington, Kentucky, and Author of Healthy Lunchbox; The Working Mom's Guide To Keeping You and Your Kids Trim.
A common cold can last between 8 to 10 days.
This infection is caused when 200 or more cold causing virus invades the cells of the nose and throat.
The flu is caused by a virus, 36,000 people die from the flu each year.
The Center for Disease Control in Atlanta recommend that everyone get a flu shot rather they want to or not.
Studies have shown that the shot is effective in healthy people under the age of 65.
There is no possible way to avoid the infection unless you move to a deserted island, but I doubt anyone could live like that.
There is no cure for the cold, but there are natural ways to prevent it and to get relief from it.
I want to give you just a few important tips on how to avoid the sniffles, runny nose, cough, etc.
Never be around someone that shows signs of the cold or flu.
Keep your hands clean and free of germs by washing your hands with soap for 20 seconds with warm water and use hand sanitizer if you have no water to wash your hands.
Be active with your children when avoiding the cold.
Let them know how very important it is to cover their mouth when they have to sneeze or cough.
Make sure they throw away their tissues, if you have too don't touch them with your bare hands, if you do make sure to wash them afterward.
Make sure your home is warm throughout the home; if not make sure you and your children keep socks on their feet and dress warmly.
Clean the door knob in the bathroom and the sink handles in the bathroom and kitchen with bleach and soap water.
Use Lysol sanitizer spray for the home to kill germs.
Bundle up when going out doors.
Many people don't take advantage of the foods we eat; they eat them because of a craving or hunger.
If most people knew the health benefits of certain foods there would be fewer illnesses.
Foods we eat everyday contains powerful compounds that help stop and prevent viruses, infections and diseases.
Believe it or not yogurt can help prevent you from getting a cold.
Some yogurts have a healthy bacteria in it called Lactobacillus reuteri or a placebo (dummy pill) A Research was done in Sweden on 262 people and the results concluded that people who ate yogurt were less likely to catch a cold.
They believe that yogurt keeps the viruses from binding to the tissue.
You see you can't eat just any yogurt; the only yogurt in the US that contains these healthy bacteria is Stonyfield Farm.
Fruits and vegetables have a compound called glutathione, which boost the immune system and make large numbers of macrophages; these are cells that fight against the cold cells.
The fruits and veggies that have this compound is broccoli, watermelon, avocados, asparagus, potatoes, cauliflower, cantaloupe, strawberries, peaches okra, tomatoes, winter squash, oranges and grapefruit are very good sources.
Another highly effective compound is Vitamin C.
Though doctors are still debating whether it can prevent a cold, but when getting large amounts of it does tend to make you feel better.
Vitamin C lowers the level of histamine; it's a defensive chemical that's responsible for stuffiness and flu like symptoms.
Your best bet as to getting higher doses of this compound is by drinking orange juice, cranberry juice and grapefruit juice.
Wine is a good way to help boost your immune system too.
It has resveratrol which stops the influenza cells from replicating.
Researchers from Mississippi tested 11 bottles of wine and found that Pinot Noirs from California has the most resveratrol in it.
This does not mean you can drink all the wine you want, drinking too much can raise your blood pressure.
So drink in moderation.
Garlic has active compound that can fight off just about every infection.
You have to eat a lot of it; you will have to eat an entire bulb a day.
Cooking it can take away some of its nutrients, if you can eat it raw the do that.
Chicken noodle soup, spicy foods and Chile peppers help keep the immune system strong.
It also prevents inflammation and congestion in the airways.
Last but not least tea, tea not only boosts your immune system, but it loosens up congestion and prevents viruses.
The two compounds with all of this power which is in tea are called quercetin and theophylline.
One great way to relieve nasal congestion is by eating jalapenos peppers and ground red pepper called cayenne.
These peppers contain a compound called capsaicin, which is similar to a drug used in cold and flu medications that helps you breathe.
Changing your diet changes everything, it give you greater health and saves you loads of money on your medical bills.
If you are looking to change your diet look into meal plans like veggie.
A veggie meal plan is hearty and healthy with loads of beneficial foods and nutrients for a healthy life.