How to Diagnose Fifth Disease Vs. Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
- 1). Find out how fifth disease is spread and who might contract the virus. Direct contact, such as sharing cups or exposure to nasal droplets, passes this mild illness from person to person, but cold-like symptoms might not appear for up to three weeks. Fifth disease targets children, but adults can get it, too.
- 2). Educate yourself about the outward signs of fifth disease. In addition to the slapped-cheek rash, you also will see a pink, lacy rash resembling a tablecloth pattern on the torso and limbs; both might last up to 10 days. When the rashes appear, the child is no longer contagious and can return to school or daycare.
- 3). Manage fifth disease by trying to prevent it and then allowing it to run its course if your child contracts it. The rash might be itchy, and your child might run a low fever, have a sore throat and feel general malaise. Alleviate symptoms with acetaminophen, ibuprofen and antihistamines.
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Thorough disinfection of common areas can minimize both and sanitation products studio isolated image by dinostock from
Find out how HFMD is spread and who can contract the virus. HFMD mostly affects children who are 10 and younger, but adults and older children are susceptible to it as well. Your child is most contagious during the first week of the illness but can spread the virus --- after symptoms resolve --- for several weeks by direct contact with respiratory secretions or infected stool. - 2
Blisters from hand, foot and mouth disease might peel as it feet image by Lucian Muset from
Educate yourself about the signs and symptoms of HFMD. This disease presents in a similar manner to fifth disease with vague symptoms of a cold, but the incubation time is shorter with symptoms beginning within five days of exposure. Your child likely will have a sore throat and fever. Uncomfortable sores in the mouth that appear a few days after the fever starts will help you or your physician diagnose HFMD. A non-itchy rash and blisters will develop on the toes, feet, fingers, hands and sometimes the buttocks. - 3
Regular hand washing can prevent virus outbreaks.washing hands image by Julia Britvich from
Manage HFMD by trying to prevent it with good hygiene and then allowing it to run its course, usually within seven days. Focus on soothing foods and beverages such as ice pops and milkshakes to stay hydrated and minimize discomfort from mouth blisters. Use over-the-counter pain relievers as needed.
Fifth Disease
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease