Is there such a thing in real life as immunity from disease? What is immunity anyway? Should we really be seeking immunity from disease? These are questions that can affect our lives.
The way we view immunity can change the way we do things.
The word immunity means to be exempt from something unpleasant.
For instance some people get immunity from prosecution.
When it comes to our health, the idea or theory behind immunity is that you can become immune from disease.
The wish is that science can one day develop a magic potion that will make you immune from all disease.
In our world there have been billions of dollars thrown at the challenge of developing vaccines that will make you immune to various diseases.
You hear constantly the term immune system.
In my humble opinion all the hype about our immune system is a smoke screen to divert education from what is real.
In truth there is no such thing as immunity from disease, or an immune system.
Our bodies have a Defense System.
What is called our immune system is really our defense system.
There is a distinct difference in the mental picture you get when you say the two different terms.
At first glance you may think I am talking about semantics.
You may think that there is really no difference.
But if you really think about it you can see the difference.
When you call our body's defenses an immune system, you give it this mystical power to make you exempt from disease.
When you call it our defense system, you are talking about our bodies defensive systems that protect us from disease.
The defense system is there to defend our bodies from the onslaught of outside forces that would destroy us.
It is a totally different mind set.
Lets take one disease to illustrate what I am talking about.
AIDS is in the news frequently.
AIDS stands for Auto Immune Disease Syndrome.
If you think that there is something wrong with the immune system, you are saying that the person is not at fault.
Some how they have lost their immunity to disease.
They need a magic potion to restore their immunity.
If you call it a Defense System, your thinking can change the way you look at what others call AIDS.
There has been a breakdown in the bodies defenses.
Every organ and cell in the body is involved in the Defense System (DS).
What is called AIDS from the DS point of view means that your body's defenses are weakened.
We need to help the individual build up their defenses.
Can you see the difference in the thought process? When research is focused on creating immunity, it takes the emphasis off the individual and looks at disease as something the individual has no control over.
It makes it a war against things that we cannot see.
It makes it a fight the individual cannot possibly understand so they are discouraged from even trying.
If the focus is on building body defenses, we take back individual control.
In the case of AIDS the medical, immunity model would have you take toxic chemicals that would kill most healthy people, in the hope of restoring immunity.
Is it any wonder that so many are dying? The Health by Design defense system model says, remove the things in your life that tear down your body's defenses, and start building your defenses so disease, even AIDS, will simply go away.
The Immunity model sees the symptoms and looks at them as disease.
By naming a group of symptoms they now have something to fight that they can get paid for.
There is little concern about the harm done.
The defense model looks at symptoms as the outward evidence that the body is working to restore normalcy.
We would say that it is time to intelligently leave the body alone.
Looking at a disease such as AIDS, from the defense perspective, we would stop whatever we are doing that depletes nerve energy.
Then we would start living in such a way to build up nerve energy and restore the body's ability to defend itself from environmental toxins.
Cooked and processed foods and beverages of all kinds are loaded with toxic chemicals and other substances that adversely affect our defenses.
Raw fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds, build up our defenses.
The way we view immunity can change the way we do things.
The word immunity means to be exempt from something unpleasant.
For instance some people get immunity from prosecution.
When it comes to our health, the idea or theory behind immunity is that you can become immune from disease.
The wish is that science can one day develop a magic potion that will make you immune from all disease.
In our world there have been billions of dollars thrown at the challenge of developing vaccines that will make you immune to various diseases.
You hear constantly the term immune system.
In my humble opinion all the hype about our immune system is a smoke screen to divert education from what is real.
In truth there is no such thing as immunity from disease, or an immune system.
Our bodies have a Defense System.
What is called our immune system is really our defense system.
There is a distinct difference in the mental picture you get when you say the two different terms.
At first glance you may think I am talking about semantics.
You may think that there is really no difference.
But if you really think about it you can see the difference.
When you call our body's defenses an immune system, you give it this mystical power to make you exempt from disease.
When you call it our defense system, you are talking about our bodies defensive systems that protect us from disease.
The defense system is there to defend our bodies from the onslaught of outside forces that would destroy us.
It is a totally different mind set.
Lets take one disease to illustrate what I am talking about.
AIDS is in the news frequently.
AIDS stands for Auto Immune Disease Syndrome.
If you think that there is something wrong with the immune system, you are saying that the person is not at fault.
Some how they have lost their immunity to disease.
They need a magic potion to restore their immunity.
If you call it a Defense System, your thinking can change the way you look at what others call AIDS.
There has been a breakdown in the bodies defenses.
Every organ and cell in the body is involved in the Defense System (DS).
What is called AIDS from the DS point of view means that your body's defenses are weakened.
We need to help the individual build up their defenses.
Can you see the difference in the thought process? When research is focused on creating immunity, it takes the emphasis off the individual and looks at disease as something the individual has no control over.
It makes it a war against things that we cannot see.
It makes it a fight the individual cannot possibly understand so they are discouraged from even trying.
If the focus is on building body defenses, we take back individual control.
In the case of AIDS the medical, immunity model would have you take toxic chemicals that would kill most healthy people, in the hope of restoring immunity.
Is it any wonder that so many are dying? The Health by Design defense system model says, remove the things in your life that tear down your body's defenses, and start building your defenses so disease, even AIDS, will simply go away.
The Immunity model sees the symptoms and looks at them as disease.
By naming a group of symptoms they now have something to fight that they can get paid for.
There is little concern about the harm done.
The defense model looks at symptoms as the outward evidence that the body is working to restore normalcy.
We would say that it is time to intelligently leave the body alone.
Looking at a disease such as AIDS, from the defense perspective, we would stop whatever we are doing that depletes nerve energy.
Then we would start living in such a way to build up nerve energy and restore the body's ability to defend itself from environmental toxins.
Cooked and processed foods and beverages of all kinds are loaded with toxic chemicals and other substances that adversely affect our defenses.
Raw fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds, build up our defenses.