Declare Me, Says the Lord
In November 2006 my parents passed away three weeks apart.
My faith was really put to the test.
I did not allow grief or depression to enter into my soul and overcame with God as my deliverer.
As the anniversary of their death came around I made up my mind not to be caught up in the emotional stress the death of a loved one(s) can bring, so I went out to my prayer-house to be in the presence of my God.
I was there only a short time when God began to speak to me...
"Declare Me!", I heard.
Lord, I asked? "Declare Me, says the Lord.
" I ask the Lord to wait a moment so I could get my laptop setup and graciously He did; He then began again to speak and this is the word of the Lord to me on 11-27-07.
Declare Me says the Lord.
Declare My name before all men and I will declare you before My Father.
Go unto all the world and make My name known to all mankind.
Do not be ashamed to pronounce My name before man.
Do not be afraid to pronounce My name.
Walk victoriously in Me for I am victorious.
Come unto to Me and feast from the good of the land.
My Fathers and My kingdom is stretched out before you, be a partaker of the goodness of God.
It is My desire to see you walking in the Spirit of My Father for I know what that Spirit can and will do for you and through you.
Enter into My rest and quit striving to find the way.
I am the way, says your Lord.
He who finds Me finds the way to the Father; he who finds the Father has found abundant life everlasting.
I am He who holds the stars in His right hand and who walks among the candle stands.
I have brought you into this place, at this time, for this work.
You are to carry My word to the nations and present it with living demonstration of My power.
I have not forgotten what I've told you; I know who you are called to be; I see you wherever you go and My hand is ever guiding you.
Take a look around you and see where you are and from where you came.
Can you see My guiding hand? Look closer and see My voice as My lips form the very words you hear.
Do not turn from your calling to the left hand nor to the right hand because of people who do not know to what it is that you have been called.
Turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to those around you who try and discourage you or bear false witness against you.
Let the blind and the deaf remain until you have blossomed into your place.
Those whom you forgive their sins shall be forgiven and those whom you do not forgive shall not be forgiven their sins.
Be cautious My son, for there is a day of reckoning for which you will give an account.
Do not allow what others say or think about you to influence you in any manner.
Hear the voice of your God and Him only obey.
There are many voices on the winds and they continually bombard the thoughts of My people.
Harkin unto My voice and follow Me in the light and through the darkness.
Never let others tell you that you're on the wrong path.
Continue seeking Me with your whole heart and I shall be found by you.
My presence with you will be so real your eyes will behold Me and your ears will hear My voice.
Your countenance will be changed and some will desire it while others will fear it.
Do not be afraid of what is going on around you for My promises are yes and amen.
My promises are true.
I have once again examined your heart and once again found it to be pure before Me.
Your thoughts toward Me about My thoughts about man is accurate.
I am not moved by things men think I should be and I am moved by things men thing I should not be.
My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts are higher than thoughts but that doesn't mean to quit thinking.
I push thoughts through you that you might make others think.
I give you thoughts that others would consider borderline blasphemous and yet you give them because you know Me.
You know My thoughts are out there compared to mans.
You are approaching My very heart with your thoughts and I am pouring more thoughts into you.
Receive them as readily as you have in the past and you shall show My glory to the world.
You are here for now, this time and those I've joined to your heart, shall hold you up in prayer and in deed, and will share in your comings and goings to show My glory around the world.
Think it not a strange thing when you see and hear.
It will be different than in the past, for I will speak to you as I did with Moses...
face to face.
The tears you experience are shared as My heart feels your heart and fills with gladness.
I have chosen you for this time because I believe in you for I see and know your heart for Me.
As you draw closer to Me you will experience things you have only imagined.
Your companions shall also feel a difference in their walk with Me as you draw closer to Me.
I am at this moment causing an overwhelming feeling to overshadow them, right now, because of My great love for them as well.
Their hearts have leaped within them and they feel My presence even if they are not aware of what has happened or why.
It's because I have promised you and have fulfilled that promise.
It's very simple.
It happens in an instant when you believe.
I know the thoughts of your hearts and the doubts of your minds.
You're not as far away from Me as you sometimes think.
Now wipe the tears from your eyes and learn from My teachings.
Follow after Me with your whole heart and fulfill your destiny.
Let not your hearts be troubled.
Remained focused on Me and behold My full glory.
Stop complicating My word and use it for your advancement in My kingdom.
I have given to a legion of angels to dispatch as you see fit.
I have given you My Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth.
I have given you My only begotten to show you how to operate in the kingdom now and I have given you Myself that you may have a hiding place and a place of rest.
I have not called you and yours to baptize but to bring in the lost; I have not called you to bring in the lost one at a time but by the nations; I have not called you to a small thing but to preach to the world.
I have shown you a blood line through nations; I have shown you speaking to governors and presidents; I have told you that you go before kings and priests as My holy prophet anointed with My power and carrying My glory to demonstrate to the world that I am God and there is none other like Me.
I have not called you to the local but to the international.
I know you question Me about this choice but I have made the right choice.
You will go into all the world and I will go with you.
There is only one name and it is the name of Jesus.
Declare it, decree it, proclaim it, worship it, praise it, but above all use it for there is no other name above it.
Every other name must bow before the name of Jesus and when you and yours use it demons will flee at your presence.
Sickness will leave because you have entered a room.
Limbs will grow out again.
Eyes will appear and be opened.
Ears will hear and tongues will speak.
Be cautious, son, the father of pride will surely approach and try to seduce your heart to cause you to fall as he fell.
I know you feel there are others more qualified than you which is why I chose you.
I know there is no pride in your heart for I have searched it.
Take hold of the horns of the alter My son and be who you were chosen to be...
It's not a name easy to live up to yet in Me it's a name possible to live up to.
I will not turn My back on you or abandon you.
I will not die and leave you for I am alive forevermore and hold life in My hands.
Whosoever will partake of this life will live with Me forever.
Do not be afraid to imagine, it is a forgotten art.
It is a gift I gave when I created man but it has been all but stolen form man.
Men have condemned the imagination of others because of their fears which comes from their misunderstanding of My word.
They see the imagination as something bad or wrong but it was created to be used to expand yourself; to cause you to grow in the knowledge of the Lord.
If you can only see yourself as I see you, you would understand the power of the imagination.
It will serve you as a finishing tool should you choose to use it.
Expand your thinking into a realm where you have never gone.
Take some time with Me and see if I have, in fact, already gone before you.
Do you think you can imagine something that I've not yet imagined? Think again.
I've already been there and back.
Stretch your thoughts in My world and see for yourself that I am the King of Glory.
Dare to live outside the box and become.
I have been fashioning you since before your birth and know everything there is or will ever be about you.
I knew you before the foundation of the world and saw this night and knew your heart would be as it is because I created it to be such.
I am saying you had no choice? Absolutely not.
Every choice you made has led you to your place in time.
Now choose to be.
Do not concern yourself with what others think or say.
Have I not called you to be a prophet? Yes, and more than a prophet.
I have called you to be a deliverer.
That's right a deliverer of My word that is breathed into you by My Spirit.
I have seen what goes on around you and assure you that My grace is sufficient for you.
Don't allow your joy or peace to be tainted by the taunting of others accusations or assumptions.
I declare you a mighty man, says God.
I have pronounced My blessing upon you and given you a seat in My house.
I have shown your face to others and spoke your name in their ear and when they see you they will come for you to come and teach them.
You shall introduce them to the freedom of God and show them what true peace is.
You shall lead a mighty following and they shall seek you instruction.
Your teaching will astound the elders and astonish the priests.
The Rabbis shall call you 'rabbi' and yet you will be teaching them Christ crucified.
Those who are with you now shall be with you then and their presence shall be known throughout all the land.
The anointing is upon you all yet unused for the most part.
The time is now for you to step out of the shadows, My children, and start proving Me.
Time as you know it will not be this way forever.
So go and do that which needs to be done.
The Son of Man was sent to seek and save that which is lost.
There is soon coming a day when that which is lost will seek the Son of Man and shall find your group and will remain with you until you go to the next region.
They are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.
You hearts will desire to stay and teach them as long as it takes but I say to you that you shall teach teachers and give them charge over the flocks and play out your destinies.
Do not be alarmed by the enormity of what I have called you all to, but trust Me for My hand is not grown short that I am unable to perform.
Time and space are in My control.
Let Me take care of the trivial things while you take care of the elementary things.
You still believe you are bound by the simple rules.
Your transport will be different, your time to and from will be quite fast.
Space and time and distance do not mean to Me what they do to you.
If I can be everywhere at the same time, how long does it take for Me to go somewhere? If I can do that, maybe, just maybe, I might possibly be able to do a little something for you.
You think? You talk about flying and walking through walls; that's nothing more than time travel.
Is it possible? Ask Phillip.
Listen, I have searched your heart and the hearts of those with you and those who are coming to you.
I know your hearts desires are to do My will and I am here to help that happen.
You are on the road that leads to Jesus and have been for quite some time and it's time for that road to reveal some of itself.
Your travels will be and they will be soon and they will be intense.
I have not only searched your hearts but I have tested you all in one way or another only to find the same thing...
you want to do My will no matter what.
That's all I am looking for; is someone willing to stand in the gap and do what they're told when they're told and I have found the very ones to do it.
You are all leaning at a pace that is increased and seems a bit rapid but I am confident that you can and will be able when the time is right.
Why, because you all study so much and are such great students? No, because you are willing to be used.
I am going to carry you off into a place in the Spirit that you have never been and when you return your thinking will have been enhanced to another level.
You just think that you have been ,'Thinking outside the box.
' when this takes place there will be things you can share with each other and there will be things you can share outside your group.
There will also be things you'll experience that are not to be shared except by permission.
Then there will be things not to be shared until the timing is right.
You shall have an acute awareness of the prophetic and your understanding will be more insightful as to the mysteries of God.
I will unlock for you the dream world and you shall see that everything is not always as it seems.
I have joined your hearts to one another and you have joined yours to Mine.
As we move together as one you shall see My words and hear My voice and know, without doubt that I AM GOD!
My faith was really put to the test.
I did not allow grief or depression to enter into my soul and overcame with God as my deliverer.
As the anniversary of their death came around I made up my mind not to be caught up in the emotional stress the death of a loved one(s) can bring, so I went out to my prayer-house to be in the presence of my God.
I was there only a short time when God began to speak to me...
"Declare Me!", I heard.
Lord, I asked? "Declare Me, says the Lord.
" I ask the Lord to wait a moment so I could get my laptop setup and graciously He did; He then began again to speak and this is the word of the Lord to me on 11-27-07.
Declare Me says the Lord.
Declare My name before all men and I will declare you before My Father.
Go unto all the world and make My name known to all mankind.
Do not be ashamed to pronounce My name before man.
Do not be afraid to pronounce My name.
Walk victoriously in Me for I am victorious.
Come unto to Me and feast from the good of the land.
My Fathers and My kingdom is stretched out before you, be a partaker of the goodness of God.
It is My desire to see you walking in the Spirit of My Father for I know what that Spirit can and will do for you and through you.
Enter into My rest and quit striving to find the way.
I am the way, says your Lord.
He who finds Me finds the way to the Father; he who finds the Father has found abundant life everlasting.
I am He who holds the stars in His right hand and who walks among the candle stands.
I have brought you into this place, at this time, for this work.
You are to carry My word to the nations and present it with living demonstration of My power.
I have not forgotten what I've told you; I know who you are called to be; I see you wherever you go and My hand is ever guiding you.
Take a look around you and see where you are and from where you came.
Can you see My guiding hand? Look closer and see My voice as My lips form the very words you hear.
Do not turn from your calling to the left hand nor to the right hand because of people who do not know to what it is that you have been called.
Turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to those around you who try and discourage you or bear false witness against you.
Let the blind and the deaf remain until you have blossomed into your place.
Those whom you forgive their sins shall be forgiven and those whom you do not forgive shall not be forgiven their sins.
Be cautious My son, for there is a day of reckoning for which you will give an account.
Do not allow what others say or think about you to influence you in any manner.
Hear the voice of your God and Him only obey.
There are many voices on the winds and they continually bombard the thoughts of My people.
Harkin unto My voice and follow Me in the light and through the darkness.
Never let others tell you that you're on the wrong path.
Continue seeking Me with your whole heart and I shall be found by you.
My presence with you will be so real your eyes will behold Me and your ears will hear My voice.
Your countenance will be changed and some will desire it while others will fear it.
Do not be afraid of what is going on around you for My promises are yes and amen.
My promises are true.
I have once again examined your heart and once again found it to be pure before Me.
Your thoughts toward Me about My thoughts about man is accurate.
I am not moved by things men think I should be and I am moved by things men thing I should not be.
My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts are higher than thoughts but that doesn't mean to quit thinking.
I push thoughts through you that you might make others think.
I give you thoughts that others would consider borderline blasphemous and yet you give them because you know Me.
You know My thoughts are out there compared to mans.
You are approaching My very heart with your thoughts and I am pouring more thoughts into you.
Receive them as readily as you have in the past and you shall show My glory to the world.
You are here for now, this time and those I've joined to your heart, shall hold you up in prayer and in deed, and will share in your comings and goings to show My glory around the world.
Think it not a strange thing when you see and hear.
It will be different than in the past, for I will speak to you as I did with Moses...
face to face.
The tears you experience are shared as My heart feels your heart and fills with gladness.
I have chosen you for this time because I believe in you for I see and know your heart for Me.
As you draw closer to Me you will experience things you have only imagined.
Your companions shall also feel a difference in their walk with Me as you draw closer to Me.
I am at this moment causing an overwhelming feeling to overshadow them, right now, because of My great love for them as well.
Their hearts have leaped within them and they feel My presence even if they are not aware of what has happened or why.
It's because I have promised you and have fulfilled that promise.
It's very simple.
It happens in an instant when you believe.
I know the thoughts of your hearts and the doubts of your minds.
You're not as far away from Me as you sometimes think.
Now wipe the tears from your eyes and learn from My teachings.
Follow after Me with your whole heart and fulfill your destiny.
Let not your hearts be troubled.
Remained focused on Me and behold My full glory.
Stop complicating My word and use it for your advancement in My kingdom.
I have given to a legion of angels to dispatch as you see fit.
I have given you My Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth.
I have given you My only begotten to show you how to operate in the kingdom now and I have given you Myself that you may have a hiding place and a place of rest.
I have not called you and yours to baptize but to bring in the lost; I have not called you to bring in the lost one at a time but by the nations; I have not called you to a small thing but to preach to the world.
I have shown you a blood line through nations; I have shown you speaking to governors and presidents; I have told you that you go before kings and priests as My holy prophet anointed with My power and carrying My glory to demonstrate to the world that I am God and there is none other like Me.
I have not called you to the local but to the international.
I know you question Me about this choice but I have made the right choice.
You will go into all the world and I will go with you.
There is only one name and it is the name of Jesus.
Declare it, decree it, proclaim it, worship it, praise it, but above all use it for there is no other name above it.
Every other name must bow before the name of Jesus and when you and yours use it demons will flee at your presence.
Sickness will leave because you have entered a room.
Limbs will grow out again.
Eyes will appear and be opened.
Ears will hear and tongues will speak.
Be cautious, son, the father of pride will surely approach and try to seduce your heart to cause you to fall as he fell.
I know you feel there are others more qualified than you which is why I chose you.
I know there is no pride in your heart for I have searched it.
Take hold of the horns of the alter My son and be who you were chosen to be...
It's not a name easy to live up to yet in Me it's a name possible to live up to.
I will not turn My back on you or abandon you.
I will not die and leave you for I am alive forevermore and hold life in My hands.
Whosoever will partake of this life will live with Me forever.
Do not be afraid to imagine, it is a forgotten art.
It is a gift I gave when I created man but it has been all but stolen form man.
Men have condemned the imagination of others because of their fears which comes from their misunderstanding of My word.
They see the imagination as something bad or wrong but it was created to be used to expand yourself; to cause you to grow in the knowledge of the Lord.
If you can only see yourself as I see you, you would understand the power of the imagination.
It will serve you as a finishing tool should you choose to use it.
Expand your thinking into a realm where you have never gone.
Take some time with Me and see if I have, in fact, already gone before you.
Do you think you can imagine something that I've not yet imagined? Think again.
I've already been there and back.
Stretch your thoughts in My world and see for yourself that I am the King of Glory.
Dare to live outside the box and become.
I have been fashioning you since before your birth and know everything there is or will ever be about you.
I knew you before the foundation of the world and saw this night and knew your heart would be as it is because I created it to be such.
I am saying you had no choice? Absolutely not.
Every choice you made has led you to your place in time.
Now choose to be.
Do not concern yourself with what others think or say.
Have I not called you to be a prophet? Yes, and more than a prophet.
I have called you to be a deliverer.
That's right a deliverer of My word that is breathed into you by My Spirit.
I have seen what goes on around you and assure you that My grace is sufficient for you.
Don't allow your joy or peace to be tainted by the taunting of others accusations or assumptions.
I declare you a mighty man, says God.
I have pronounced My blessing upon you and given you a seat in My house.
I have shown your face to others and spoke your name in their ear and when they see you they will come for you to come and teach them.
You shall introduce them to the freedom of God and show them what true peace is.
You shall lead a mighty following and they shall seek you instruction.
Your teaching will astound the elders and astonish the priests.
The Rabbis shall call you 'rabbi' and yet you will be teaching them Christ crucified.
Those who are with you now shall be with you then and their presence shall be known throughout all the land.
The anointing is upon you all yet unused for the most part.
The time is now for you to step out of the shadows, My children, and start proving Me.
Time as you know it will not be this way forever.
So go and do that which needs to be done.
The Son of Man was sent to seek and save that which is lost.
There is soon coming a day when that which is lost will seek the Son of Man and shall find your group and will remain with you until you go to the next region.
They are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.
You hearts will desire to stay and teach them as long as it takes but I say to you that you shall teach teachers and give them charge over the flocks and play out your destinies.
Do not be alarmed by the enormity of what I have called you all to, but trust Me for My hand is not grown short that I am unable to perform.
Time and space are in My control.
Let Me take care of the trivial things while you take care of the elementary things.
You still believe you are bound by the simple rules.
Your transport will be different, your time to and from will be quite fast.
Space and time and distance do not mean to Me what they do to you.
If I can be everywhere at the same time, how long does it take for Me to go somewhere? If I can do that, maybe, just maybe, I might possibly be able to do a little something for you.
You think? You talk about flying and walking through walls; that's nothing more than time travel.
Is it possible? Ask Phillip.
Listen, I have searched your heart and the hearts of those with you and those who are coming to you.
I know your hearts desires are to do My will and I am here to help that happen.
You are on the road that leads to Jesus and have been for quite some time and it's time for that road to reveal some of itself.
Your travels will be and they will be soon and they will be intense.
I have not only searched your hearts but I have tested you all in one way or another only to find the same thing...
you want to do My will no matter what.
That's all I am looking for; is someone willing to stand in the gap and do what they're told when they're told and I have found the very ones to do it.
You are all leaning at a pace that is increased and seems a bit rapid but I am confident that you can and will be able when the time is right.
Why, because you all study so much and are such great students? No, because you are willing to be used.
I am going to carry you off into a place in the Spirit that you have never been and when you return your thinking will have been enhanced to another level.
You just think that you have been ,'Thinking outside the box.
' when this takes place there will be things you can share with each other and there will be things you can share outside your group.
There will also be things you'll experience that are not to be shared except by permission.
Then there will be things not to be shared until the timing is right.
You shall have an acute awareness of the prophetic and your understanding will be more insightful as to the mysteries of God.
I will unlock for you the dream world and you shall see that everything is not always as it seems.
I have joined your hearts to one another and you have joined yours to Mine.
As we move together as one you shall see My words and hear My voice and know, without doubt that I AM GOD!