What Are Some Fun Games for My 10 Month Old?
- Teach your baby that objects are present even when they cannot be seen. Take a small object to hold in your hand, such as a golf ball. Show your baby the palm of your hands, with one hand holding the golf ball. Close your hands and turn them over so your palms face the floor. Ask your baby which hand the golf ball is in. Open the hand your baby selects to show the golf ball. You can also have the object switch between hands to show that if the golf ball is not in the hand selected, it is hidden in the other hand.
- A 10-month-old learns by imitating what he sees. Babies also enjoy seeing you imitate their actions. The more you imitate what the baby does, the more he will do it, so take turns imitating one another doing things you want to encourage. Imitate one another combing hair, using a tissue to wipe your hands, waving bye-bye, clapping or crawling.
- Teach your 10-month-old about opposites. At this age, keep it simple, introducing words such as "up," "down," "on" and "off." Show her "up" by lifting her up in the air with your hands and bringing her down to the floor while you say the word. Help her learn about "on" and "off" with the switch light, a flash light and the television.
- Echoing sounds encourage your 10-month-old to practice pronouncing words. Make sounds such as "la, la, la" or "ba, ba, ba" and encourage him to repeat the sounds you make. Also repeat sounds he makes. The more practice he has making different sounds, the more it encourages him to learn and say words he hears.
Which Hand Is It In?