An Easy Solution to Standing Water
With the large snowstorms that are occurring across the country, coupled with the usual Spring rains that will be coming in the next few months, chances are the ground around your home is going to be overly saturated with water.
This over saturation could cause you both drainage and standing water problems.
Which, in turn, could cause damage to your house and yard.
Purchasing a simple submersible utility (water) pump and then attaching your garden hose to the pump could be the solution you will be looking for.
There is nothing mysterious about a submersible utility pump.
It is a simple device that can be used to remove standing water and easily move it to a different location (e.
, a sewer, the street, a drainage ditch).
The utility pump takes in the water and then pushes it through an attached hose.
The pump is extremely easy to operate.
You attach a hose (e.
, I use my garden hose) to the pump by screwing it on - - - just as if you were attaching your garden hose to an outside water faucet.
Next, you place the pump in the standing water that you want to remove and lay out the hose to where you want the water to be moved to.
The last step is to plug in the pump's electrical cord into the nearest wall outlet.
That's all there is to it! The size of your pump and the diameter of the hose you are using will determine how quickly the water is removed.
You'd be surprised how quickly a regular size pump with an attached garden hose can empty a foot or so of standing water under a pier and beam house.
And standing water under your home is something you need to take seriously.
If left unattended, standing water can cause foundation and structural damage to your home - - - something that can be very expensive to correct/fix.
The nice thing about a submersible utility pump is that you can use it for a lot of other things as well.
Many people use them to empty their swimming pools and hot tubs.
Others use them to pump water from nearby streams to their own ponds when the water level in the ponds begins to drop.
Still others use their pumps to remove water from their homes or garages (e.
, standing water from a busted water heater) or from low places in their yard.
And that is just to mention a few.
A submersible utility pump is an extremely simple and useful tool that every homeowner should have! Whether it is for emergencies such as standing water and drainage problems or for just the non-emergency chores that you have to perform around their home, the utility pump is a tool that will make your life easier!
This over saturation could cause you both drainage and standing water problems.
Which, in turn, could cause damage to your house and yard.
Purchasing a simple submersible utility (water) pump and then attaching your garden hose to the pump could be the solution you will be looking for.
There is nothing mysterious about a submersible utility pump.
It is a simple device that can be used to remove standing water and easily move it to a different location (e.
, a sewer, the street, a drainage ditch).
The utility pump takes in the water and then pushes it through an attached hose.
The pump is extremely easy to operate.
You attach a hose (e.
, I use my garden hose) to the pump by screwing it on - - - just as if you were attaching your garden hose to an outside water faucet.
Next, you place the pump in the standing water that you want to remove and lay out the hose to where you want the water to be moved to.
The last step is to plug in the pump's electrical cord into the nearest wall outlet.
That's all there is to it! The size of your pump and the diameter of the hose you are using will determine how quickly the water is removed.
You'd be surprised how quickly a regular size pump with an attached garden hose can empty a foot or so of standing water under a pier and beam house.
And standing water under your home is something you need to take seriously.
If left unattended, standing water can cause foundation and structural damage to your home - - - something that can be very expensive to correct/fix.
The nice thing about a submersible utility pump is that you can use it for a lot of other things as well.
Many people use them to empty their swimming pools and hot tubs.
Others use them to pump water from nearby streams to their own ponds when the water level in the ponds begins to drop.
Still others use their pumps to remove water from their homes or garages (e.
, standing water from a busted water heater) or from low places in their yard.
And that is just to mention a few.
A submersible utility pump is an extremely simple and useful tool that every homeowner should have! Whether it is for emergencies such as standing water and drainage problems or for just the non-emergency chores that you have to perform around their home, the utility pump is a tool that will make your life easier!