Forgotten Dreams 17
OLD CASTLE WALLS IF I could only softly tread the crumbled gabled halls 'midst rose decked walls Of lofty, light and tranquil home, enshrining Beauty, then no more I'd roam - But rest, in knowing that although my own vague dream unrealised yet may be It still exists as a pattern to be claimed in someone else's far Reality To know the beauty of unclouded days when sparkled dew and zephyred breeze Bestows romantic glow of beauty adorning all gardens, flowers, and trees Would give me wondrous peace.
To know, and hope, that in some far flung day and clime I would once more keen taste the sweetness of scattered moonbeams, beamed sunshine, And draw upon the sights and subtlest perfumes which the gods are so inclined To inhale, feast, sip from this earth, ambrosial essence spirit brings to birth Oh heaven sent, these thoughts of mine, to safely harbour with delight sublime Noble pictures of life beauteous, kind, and thus within, true treasures find...
Behind old castle walls...
ON CULTURE With pain we must work to regain What's lost by neglect or daily wear Little by little the quality of life Whether by our word, thought or deed Like a tiny sensitive seed Goodness, culture needs a special care And so in countless careless ways We cast the energy of our days Without tending, watering our culture's plant Help bring fresh quality to flower Quality which is the power Giving human life its dignity So hard won, is the daily sum Of improvements in our human ways Habits leading us all to happier days 'Twould be easier not to lose Than have to experience pain Trying regain our previous lot So remind us of our culture Help us retain and not surrender And have to renew our efforts once again Recapturing grace and beauty Kindliness and sense of duty Remain true to our culture each day.
ON RULERSHIP When king's decree Is church, thrice blessed And armies resting all content...
When scholars' words And music's tunes And art responds to beauty's plumes...
When minds of men And young maids are pure And natural life in balance lives Then kingdoms all find happiness...
When government is wise indeed And rulers, God and man are pleased Defence is silent as no need For strife, discord in man or creed In scholars, artists, missions call The artisans and tradesmen all Enjoy the climate, life and time When family life and peace are prime When wisdom rules and truth the aim Governance can favour claim Leaders wise must take strong their aim To lead the populace again To recognize and bend with such As might see pattern, order, much Of royal nature, noble, true Return to human pride anew Thrice valued freedom so hard won Then cultured state of man will come The finer, natural state of man Who uses knowledge, wisdom too...
In governance of me and you.
ON THE PASSING OF YOUTH It is but a brief span from youth to old age But a short time for the blossom to fade Life fires oft burnt out before the last stage Or when mind's mature, man grows to sage.
The body from youth to age doth decay Feelings have changed and no passion can stay The heart starts full and as years pass away It empties, the heart's love, or so some say.
Mind though is strange and has life of its own Old age compensates with wisdom ingrown Wisdom from seeds of the knowledge been sown Mind life increases as more years we've known But what of the soul transformation there? Can the soul pure and untainted, declare Years have no meaning, what matters our care To share infinite One life, wondrous, rare! So joy in spirit and joyful the soul Joy in intelligent mind in the whole Joy in surrend'ring, and joy in control Joy in transition from youth towards goal! Age seems small matter and comfort, in this That youth's beauty and life, though sorely missed Yield to finer awareness to assist Eventual completion of life in bliss.
OUR EARTH IS OUR HOMELAND Our earth is the homeland of all life and mankind Creatures from marine life, forest, mountains afar All are content when the natural elements rule To provide us with energy from Cosmic Space.
Our earliest men named these great elements "gods," Some well understood their function, power and their place And some used these agencies to their advantage Subjecting their brothers using cruel means and fear The gentle sweet souls who feel at one with all life In their simple greatness retreat free of earth strife Seeking solitude in highlands, mountains, valleys Regions unfrequented, places unstained by man Not feeling at home on our earth where man settles In numbers so great we lose sense of noughts, numerals Some seem secure and safe in a crowded city Others compassionate, their hearts drawn to pity He has lost, our men living, today on the earth The wonderland, pristine, beauteous place of his birth The heaven that once was when harmony held strong Now heavy, leaden, man feels he does not belong If man seeks regain his birthplace and his power If man is to save earth, he must cease to cower To values of commerce and false, throned gods adored But have the Great Natural Gods rightfully restored.
Earth is a planet where man should be the steward Who cares for and tends with compassion all creatures All kingdoms of nature god-given for all life Not to slaughter and pillage but govern, with love.
PASSION MOON Passion Moon was his name A legend, of course To all those in Queensland Who've heard of this horse.
Passion Moon, our hero A fine splendid steed Standing sixteen hands high A champion indeed He's old now and he's frail His head's not held high He's tired now and feeble With scars on his thigh This horse with his trainer Worked hard that is true So I'll tell you his tale Relaying to you...
His home was the racetrack And Tableland's bush In the mountains' shadow And green scenery lush From Sydney he had come To this northland run Found by a keen trainer Harold Atkinson.
(None else saw his worth None else had the faith None else the patience Of this man, who said.
) "Passion Moon is my life I promise him well I'll train him and race him And I'll never sell.
" A vital bay gelding Conformation good And stamina excellent With a hero's blood The horse and his owner For several a year Worked hard on the green turf In partnership dear Until he was sixteen Passion Moon raced, found That on racetrack and turf His name did resound He was quite relentless And proved solid worth Over many younger Fine steeds on the turf In one race he showed skill Alone made his win Leaving jockey at start, Field, lengths behind him! Of course jockey dismayed The crowd in support Cheered the veteran on True Australian sport! Two hundred eighty one, The starts in his life Two hundred and eighteen Times placed, or he won! Hundred and nine numbered Are wins that he claimed And the same number goes For his placings gained But he's lazier now His racing's at end He'd like to be winning But retirement's his friend He's an old bay gelding, He sometimes stands tall, And with a wistful gaze Looks out from his stall His days as a champion On turf and bush track Only mem'ries behind If he could look back! ..
PATH OF THE MYSTIC There is a path, though it climbs up long and steep.
Who finds the Path? All those who never sleep.
Will I find this Path? If heart and mind are true.
I wish to climb this Path Then prepare and strengthen your will anew Find your soul light and keep it lit Keep clear your mind and you'll find it But remember, lonely is this way you'll go And rough and steep and progress slow.
Shared by silent pilgrims on their way Be kind and help them night and day My mind is sure, I will not stay Determinedly, I choose seek that Way.
PEACE Thrice blessed are they who live with inner Peace No deed born to threaten, or disturb it Thrice blessed are they who overflow with life Giving out their peace through acts abounding Both exist, Passive Peace and Active Peace Qualities of the spiritual nature All who tread the way of human progress Must show strength in each one of these virtues..
PENNY FOR YOUR THOUGHTS, MAN Penny for your thoughts, man Tuppence for your joys Thruppence for your pleasures Fourpence for your toys Fivepence for your youth, boy Sixpence for your trust Seven the pence for labours done Eightpence, if you must Ninepence for your kindness Tenpence for your time Eleven is close to twelve, man A shilling and your life's mine! ..
PERFECT MAN Aries You're a strong one, a vital one, you've courage and you've will You're fond of dashing out and doing things and can't keep still You're Aries, and masculine, you'll defend right and you'll fight You'll go in front to do the deed and fight with all your might.
Taurus You're a builder, a collector, you're musical and fine You're fond of matter, beauty, seeking riches to call mine" You're Taurus, you're heavy, you're stubborn and you like to hold You'll not let go of anything, particularly if you're told! Gemini You're a lean one, a wily one, you're clever and you're swift You're on the go from dawn to dark each talent seen as gift Your mind is razor sharp, you quickly speak, with fine clear wit Happiest when excited and your inspiration lit! Cancer You're a psychic Cancerian, with a kind, loving heart You're soft at core, sensitive, shy to play a public part Your nature's good, but retiring I don't know why you should Let resentment keep you in your shell -that's not always good.
Leo You're a Leo next, what a wait! - I thank you for your time Patience to wait to hear how Leo fares in his royal prime You're regal, and confident knowing easily how to lead We're lucky to know you, fortunate to love you indeed! Virgo You're a Virgo, this man of method, thinking pure, clear, straight He has to have order and hates friends ever being late He likes to think there is reason in each design of worth Discrimination, the mind's fine tool was his gift at birth.
Libra The Libra man is duel natured, balanced 'tween all pairs Beauty, justice are important he so wisely declares But when it comes to being fair, balancing all his facts Finds decisions hard to make and uncertain, he reacts Scorpio Scorpio is macho man he's positive, powerful too He's best not crossed because he tends to get angry with you His mind and concentration exceptionally clear and strong Successful, passionate he wins, whether he's right or wrong Sagittarian The man who's Sagittarian is half man, half a beast He's down to earth and yet of idealism makes a feast He's sporty, nature loving or the philosophic kind Has good sense of humour, reads well yet favours his own mind Capricorn Capricorns are helping men who're born to think of others Ambition is keen when fanned by strong ambitious mothers Quietly determined with great capacity to climb Their ethics and attitudes make them disinclined to crime Aquarian Aquarian man is thought attuned to new and coming Age Loved because he's strong but also passed the sensitive stage His heart is friendly, full of care for other people's lives But he insists he remains free in everybody's eyes Pisces Pisces man is poet and half lives in another sphere One can't be sure you've caught his mind or if he's really here He dreams a lot and never minds if his dreams remain so Vague, mystic, visionary, he adapts where'er he may go.
These are some of many ingredients in the Perfect Man Now mix them, to blend them and make a good mix if you can! ..
To know, and hope, that in some far flung day and clime I would once more keen taste the sweetness of scattered moonbeams, beamed sunshine, And draw upon the sights and subtlest perfumes which the gods are so inclined To inhale, feast, sip from this earth, ambrosial essence spirit brings to birth Oh heaven sent, these thoughts of mine, to safely harbour with delight sublime Noble pictures of life beauteous, kind, and thus within, true treasures find...
Behind old castle walls...
ON CULTURE With pain we must work to regain What's lost by neglect or daily wear Little by little the quality of life Whether by our word, thought or deed Like a tiny sensitive seed Goodness, culture needs a special care And so in countless careless ways We cast the energy of our days Without tending, watering our culture's plant Help bring fresh quality to flower Quality which is the power Giving human life its dignity So hard won, is the daily sum Of improvements in our human ways Habits leading us all to happier days 'Twould be easier not to lose Than have to experience pain Trying regain our previous lot So remind us of our culture Help us retain and not surrender And have to renew our efforts once again Recapturing grace and beauty Kindliness and sense of duty Remain true to our culture each day.
ON RULERSHIP When king's decree Is church, thrice blessed And armies resting all content...
When scholars' words And music's tunes And art responds to beauty's plumes...
When minds of men And young maids are pure And natural life in balance lives Then kingdoms all find happiness...
When government is wise indeed And rulers, God and man are pleased Defence is silent as no need For strife, discord in man or creed In scholars, artists, missions call The artisans and tradesmen all Enjoy the climate, life and time When family life and peace are prime When wisdom rules and truth the aim Governance can favour claim Leaders wise must take strong their aim To lead the populace again To recognize and bend with such As might see pattern, order, much Of royal nature, noble, true Return to human pride anew Thrice valued freedom so hard won Then cultured state of man will come The finer, natural state of man Who uses knowledge, wisdom too...
In governance of me and you.
ON THE PASSING OF YOUTH It is but a brief span from youth to old age But a short time for the blossom to fade Life fires oft burnt out before the last stage Or when mind's mature, man grows to sage.
The body from youth to age doth decay Feelings have changed and no passion can stay The heart starts full and as years pass away It empties, the heart's love, or so some say.
Mind though is strange and has life of its own Old age compensates with wisdom ingrown Wisdom from seeds of the knowledge been sown Mind life increases as more years we've known But what of the soul transformation there? Can the soul pure and untainted, declare Years have no meaning, what matters our care To share infinite One life, wondrous, rare! So joy in spirit and joyful the soul Joy in intelligent mind in the whole Joy in surrend'ring, and joy in control Joy in transition from youth towards goal! Age seems small matter and comfort, in this That youth's beauty and life, though sorely missed Yield to finer awareness to assist Eventual completion of life in bliss.
OUR EARTH IS OUR HOMELAND Our earth is the homeland of all life and mankind Creatures from marine life, forest, mountains afar All are content when the natural elements rule To provide us with energy from Cosmic Space.
Our earliest men named these great elements "gods," Some well understood their function, power and their place And some used these agencies to their advantage Subjecting their brothers using cruel means and fear The gentle sweet souls who feel at one with all life In their simple greatness retreat free of earth strife Seeking solitude in highlands, mountains, valleys Regions unfrequented, places unstained by man Not feeling at home on our earth where man settles In numbers so great we lose sense of noughts, numerals Some seem secure and safe in a crowded city Others compassionate, their hearts drawn to pity He has lost, our men living, today on the earth The wonderland, pristine, beauteous place of his birth The heaven that once was when harmony held strong Now heavy, leaden, man feels he does not belong If man seeks regain his birthplace and his power If man is to save earth, he must cease to cower To values of commerce and false, throned gods adored But have the Great Natural Gods rightfully restored.
Earth is a planet where man should be the steward Who cares for and tends with compassion all creatures All kingdoms of nature god-given for all life Not to slaughter and pillage but govern, with love.
PASSION MOON Passion Moon was his name A legend, of course To all those in Queensland Who've heard of this horse.
Passion Moon, our hero A fine splendid steed Standing sixteen hands high A champion indeed He's old now and he's frail His head's not held high He's tired now and feeble With scars on his thigh This horse with his trainer Worked hard that is true So I'll tell you his tale Relaying to you...
His home was the racetrack And Tableland's bush In the mountains' shadow And green scenery lush From Sydney he had come To this northland run Found by a keen trainer Harold Atkinson.
(None else saw his worth None else had the faith None else the patience Of this man, who said.
) "Passion Moon is my life I promise him well I'll train him and race him And I'll never sell.
" A vital bay gelding Conformation good And stamina excellent With a hero's blood The horse and his owner For several a year Worked hard on the green turf In partnership dear Until he was sixteen Passion Moon raced, found That on racetrack and turf His name did resound He was quite relentless And proved solid worth Over many younger Fine steeds on the turf In one race he showed skill Alone made his win Leaving jockey at start, Field, lengths behind him! Of course jockey dismayed The crowd in support Cheered the veteran on True Australian sport! Two hundred eighty one, The starts in his life Two hundred and eighteen Times placed, or he won! Hundred and nine numbered Are wins that he claimed And the same number goes For his placings gained But he's lazier now His racing's at end He'd like to be winning But retirement's his friend He's an old bay gelding, He sometimes stands tall, And with a wistful gaze Looks out from his stall His days as a champion On turf and bush track Only mem'ries behind If he could look back! ..
PATH OF THE MYSTIC There is a path, though it climbs up long and steep.
Who finds the Path? All those who never sleep.
Will I find this Path? If heart and mind are true.
I wish to climb this Path Then prepare and strengthen your will anew Find your soul light and keep it lit Keep clear your mind and you'll find it But remember, lonely is this way you'll go And rough and steep and progress slow.
Shared by silent pilgrims on their way Be kind and help them night and day My mind is sure, I will not stay Determinedly, I choose seek that Way.
PEACE Thrice blessed are they who live with inner Peace No deed born to threaten, or disturb it Thrice blessed are they who overflow with life Giving out their peace through acts abounding Both exist, Passive Peace and Active Peace Qualities of the spiritual nature All who tread the way of human progress Must show strength in each one of these virtues..
PENNY FOR YOUR THOUGHTS, MAN Penny for your thoughts, man Tuppence for your joys Thruppence for your pleasures Fourpence for your toys Fivepence for your youth, boy Sixpence for your trust Seven the pence for labours done Eightpence, if you must Ninepence for your kindness Tenpence for your time Eleven is close to twelve, man A shilling and your life's mine! ..
PERFECT MAN Aries You're a strong one, a vital one, you've courage and you've will You're fond of dashing out and doing things and can't keep still You're Aries, and masculine, you'll defend right and you'll fight You'll go in front to do the deed and fight with all your might.
Taurus You're a builder, a collector, you're musical and fine You're fond of matter, beauty, seeking riches to call mine" You're Taurus, you're heavy, you're stubborn and you like to hold You'll not let go of anything, particularly if you're told! Gemini You're a lean one, a wily one, you're clever and you're swift You're on the go from dawn to dark each talent seen as gift Your mind is razor sharp, you quickly speak, with fine clear wit Happiest when excited and your inspiration lit! Cancer You're a psychic Cancerian, with a kind, loving heart You're soft at core, sensitive, shy to play a public part Your nature's good, but retiring I don't know why you should Let resentment keep you in your shell -that's not always good.
Leo You're a Leo next, what a wait! - I thank you for your time Patience to wait to hear how Leo fares in his royal prime You're regal, and confident knowing easily how to lead We're lucky to know you, fortunate to love you indeed! Virgo You're a Virgo, this man of method, thinking pure, clear, straight He has to have order and hates friends ever being late He likes to think there is reason in each design of worth Discrimination, the mind's fine tool was his gift at birth.
Libra The Libra man is duel natured, balanced 'tween all pairs Beauty, justice are important he so wisely declares But when it comes to being fair, balancing all his facts Finds decisions hard to make and uncertain, he reacts Scorpio Scorpio is macho man he's positive, powerful too He's best not crossed because he tends to get angry with you His mind and concentration exceptionally clear and strong Successful, passionate he wins, whether he's right or wrong Sagittarian The man who's Sagittarian is half man, half a beast He's down to earth and yet of idealism makes a feast He's sporty, nature loving or the philosophic kind Has good sense of humour, reads well yet favours his own mind Capricorn Capricorns are helping men who're born to think of others Ambition is keen when fanned by strong ambitious mothers Quietly determined with great capacity to climb Their ethics and attitudes make them disinclined to crime Aquarian Aquarian man is thought attuned to new and coming Age Loved because he's strong but also passed the sensitive stage His heart is friendly, full of care for other people's lives But he insists he remains free in everybody's eyes Pisces Pisces man is poet and half lives in another sphere One can't be sure you've caught his mind or if he's really here He dreams a lot and never minds if his dreams remain so Vague, mystic, visionary, he adapts where'er he may go.
These are some of many ingredients in the Perfect Man Now mix them, to blend them and make a good mix if you can! ..