How To Get What You Want In Life - How To Create An Amazing Life
It may be absolutely amazing to you, but you can get what you want in life. It's much easier than you think.
Then Why Doesn't The Secret Work for YOU?
By now, most people have seen the movie, The Secret, or at least heard about it. Remember how your heart raced at the possibility of living your dream life? You could almost taste it after watching that movie.
And then everything fell flat.
You were doing what they said, thinking positive thoughts, and trying to have good feelings but it didn't work for you. In fact, I bet what happened is something that you didn't WANT to happen. The exact opposite of what you wanted showed up instead. This threw you for a loop and you found yourself so disappointed, I bet you said, "This stuff doesn't work." And the DVD went back into the corners of your shelf and your mind.
So you went back to working that boring job, driving your old car, maybe going out on weekends to live it up, only to face the new week again with a feeling of quiet desperation.
I have some surprising news for you.
The Secret does work; it's just a matter of finding how to make it work for you, and that's the part where most people don't get it.
What's Stopping It From Working In Your Life?
From a practical sense, it is working. It's just not working the way YOU want it to. But it is bringing you your desires, only those that are subliminal to your conscious mind. By the time you were eight, you were already programmed with negative beliefs that will plague you the majority of your life if you don't do something about them.
I bet you think you're living a conscious life, fully awake and aware. If you truly were, you would be living the life of your dreams, instead of this cardboard cut-out of a life.
Everybody, absolutely everybody operates primarily from this unconscious realm where these beliefs lie dormant UNTIL challenged.
That's why positive affirmations and positive thoughts may not work for you. To find what does work, you've got to discover how it is YOU create in this life.
Whether you believe it or not, you are a PERFECT creator. Your life isn't broken, it's humming along just like your subconscious believes it should. The key then is to find out what manifestation techniques work for you, replace your negative unconscious programming with programming YOU consciously choose and start living life consciously.
We Are Individuals
And because we are, a law of attraction program that works for one person may not work for the other. It all depends on what type of person you are. If you're not a visual person, then why create a vision board? It won't do you one bit of good. If you're not kinesthetic, then writing down your dream day probably won't work for you either.
Know WHO You Are
Before you begin any program, determine your sensory modality, that way you won't be spending money on a program that doesn't work for you. Sensory modality means, what senses do you primarily operate from? If you're a visual type, then you need a program that will teach you how to use visual tools to spur you on to your dream life.
If you're an auditory person, then listening to programs on CD might be the thing for you to help you change your life, or listening to positive affirmations will work. If you're a touchy-feely type of person, then you need some kind of program that will appeal to your sense of feeling and touch, which more than likely will involve writing in a journal of some type.
The trick is to learn to tailor the programs you engage in or the system you develop yourself for changing your life, to the type of person you are. Can you imagine a back woods country boy, used to the sounds of nature, with a good sense of direction, developing a vision board with city stuff on it?
There is a shoe that fits you, just like Cinderella, whether you're a guy or gal, that will make your dreams come true. Maybe it's a work boot, or a ballet slipper, or just a tennis shoe, no one knows but you. You just need to find the shoe that fits!
Based on my experience, and I've been hanging around this place for 5.7 decades already, and using the principles of the law of attraction for over 3.7 decades, I know the law of attraction works. I've used it to create many things. The most important thing to remember though, in creating your dream life, is to NOT be attached to the outcome.
Then Why Doesn't The Secret Work for YOU?
By now, most people have seen the movie, The Secret, or at least heard about it. Remember how your heart raced at the possibility of living your dream life? You could almost taste it after watching that movie.
And then everything fell flat.
You were doing what they said, thinking positive thoughts, and trying to have good feelings but it didn't work for you. In fact, I bet what happened is something that you didn't WANT to happen. The exact opposite of what you wanted showed up instead. This threw you for a loop and you found yourself so disappointed, I bet you said, "This stuff doesn't work." And the DVD went back into the corners of your shelf and your mind.
So you went back to working that boring job, driving your old car, maybe going out on weekends to live it up, only to face the new week again with a feeling of quiet desperation.
I have some surprising news for you.
The Secret does work; it's just a matter of finding how to make it work for you, and that's the part where most people don't get it.
What's Stopping It From Working In Your Life?
From a practical sense, it is working. It's just not working the way YOU want it to. But it is bringing you your desires, only those that are subliminal to your conscious mind. By the time you were eight, you were already programmed with negative beliefs that will plague you the majority of your life if you don't do something about them.
I bet you think you're living a conscious life, fully awake and aware. If you truly were, you would be living the life of your dreams, instead of this cardboard cut-out of a life.
Everybody, absolutely everybody operates primarily from this unconscious realm where these beliefs lie dormant UNTIL challenged.
That's why positive affirmations and positive thoughts may not work for you. To find what does work, you've got to discover how it is YOU create in this life.
Whether you believe it or not, you are a PERFECT creator. Your life isn't broken, it's humming along just like your subconscious believes it should. The key then is to find out what manifestation techniques work for you, replace your negative unconscious programming with programming YOU consciously choose and start living life consciously.
We Are Individuals
And because we are, a law of attraction program that works for one person may not work for the other. It all depends on what type of person you are. If you're not a visual person, then why create a vision board? It won't do you one bit of good. If you're not kinesthetic, then writing down your dream day probably won't work for you either.
Know WHO You Are
Before you begin any program, determine your sensory modality, that way you won't be spending money on a program that doesn't work for you. Sensory modality means, what senses do you primarily operate from? If you're a visual type, then you need a program that will teach you how to use visual tools to spur you on to your dream life.
If you're an auditory person, then listening to programs on CD might be the thing for you to help you change your life, or listening to positive affirmations will work. If you're a touchy-feely type of person, then you need some kind of program that will appeal to your sense of feeling and touch, which more than likely will involve writing in a journal of some type.
The trick is to learn to tailor the programs you engage in or the system you develop yourself for changing your life, to the type of person you are. Can you imagine a back woods country boy, used to the sounds of nature, with a good sense of direction, developing a vision board with city stuff on it?
There is a shoe that fits you, just like Cinderella, whether you're a guy or gal, that will make your dreams come true. Maybe it's a work boot, or a ballet slipper, or just a tennis shoe, no one knows but you. You just need to find the shoe that fits!
Based on my experience, and I've been hanging around this place for 5.7 decades already, and using the principles of the law of attraction for over 3.7 decades, I know the law of attraction works. I've used it to create many things. The most important thing to remember though, in creating your dream life, is to NOT be attached to the outcome.