How to File a Protective Order for My Child Against Another Child
- 1). Show that your child has been harassed. Document all incidents of bullying, obtaining detailed accounts from your child and any witnesses. Include any threatening e-mails, instant messages or Facebook wall comments. Contact you cell phone provider to get records of bullying text messages.
- 2). Document how the bullying is effecting your child's emotional state, behavior and school performance. Include letters from doctors or therapists if you have taken you child in for medical or psychological treatment.
- 3). Contact your local county's office of the clerk of court to obtain the necessary forms for a temporary restraining order against a minor. While each county has different procedures, most require you to fill out a Notice of Hearing and Temporary Restraining Order, Petition for Temporary Restraining Order, and a Worksheet for Law Enforcement, so that the bully can be served.
- 4). Make copies of all forms and documentation. Take the forms to the office of the clerk and present all documentation to the court commissioner, who will then decide if you have sufficient grounds to obtain a restraining order. After he grants your petition for a temporary restraining order, he will assign a court date.
- 5). If the commissioner grants your petition, you will likely need to take a copy of it to the sheriff's department along with your "Worksheet for Law Enforcement," so that the bully can be served.
- 6). Report any violations of the temporary restraining order directly to the judge's office.
- 7). Make your court date, otherwise your case will be dismissed. Be sure to take all your documentation of the bullying and its effects. Include any new incidents or developments in your child's behavior.