Testosterone and Libido in Men
Testosterone is the hormone that is often called the Male Hormone.
It is the most prominent hormone in the group of androgens and is responsible for giving men their definitive male characteristics such as deep voice, facial and torso hair, higher muscle mass and strength etc.
, The production of this hormone is at its peak level during puberty and adolescence but is begins to dip after the age of 30.
This results in a series of body and behavior changes in men.
One of the most striking effect of this decline is low libido or sex drive.
Reduced sex drive or libido often triggers erectile dysfunction is this is what men think that something is amiss with them.
However, most of them confuse it with impotence and try to treat it with prescribed medications rather than getting to the root of the problem.
Testosterone and male libido go hand in hand and there is a direct relationship between the two.
Though a dip in testosterone levels after the age of 50 is natural and normal, there are ways to enhance it naturally so that you can enjoy a robust sex drive and physical side of love for many more years.
30 is certainly not the age when you stop having sex.
Good diet that it rich in proteins, moderate on essential fats and limited in carbohydrates along with a healthy and active lifestyle can help boost your testosterone production to an optimum level.
Reducing stress and adequate sleep also help a great deal.
Moreover, there are some natural supplements that can also be a big boost.
Herbs such as tribulus terrestris and tongat ali are well known to enhance testosterone production.
There are some high quality supplements that are clinically approved and recommended by doctors that can increase testosterone and male libido without the side effects of replacement therapy.
Check out more on Testosterone and Libido in Men and how to enhance testosterone and sex drive naturally.
It is the most prominent hormone in the group of androgens and is responsible for giving men their definitive male characteristics such as deep voice, facial and torso hair, higher muscle mass and strength etc.
, The production of this hormone is at its peak level during puberty and adolescence but is begins to dip after the age of 30.
This results in a series of body and behavior changes in men.
One of the most striking effect of this decline is low libido or sex drive.
Reduced sex drive or libido often triggers erectile dysfunction is this is what men think that something is amiss with them.
However, most of them confuse it with impotence and try to treat it with prescribed medications rather than getting to the root of the problem.
Testosterone and male libido go hand in hand and there is a direct relationship between the two.
Though a dip in testosterone levels after the age of 50 is natural and normal, there are ways to enhance it naturally so that you can enjoy a robust sex drive and physical side of love for many more years.
30 is certainly not the age when you stop having sex.
Good diet that it rich in proteins, moderate on essential fats and limited in carbohydrates along with a healthy and active lifestyle can help boost your testosterone production to an optimum level.
Reducing stress and adequate sleep also help a great deal.
Moreover, there are some natural supplements that can also be a big boost.
Herbs such as tribulus terrestris and tongat ali are well known to enhance testosterone production.
There are some high quality supplements that are clinically approved and recommended by doctors that can increase testosterone and male libido without the side effects of replacement therapy.
Check out more on Testosterone and Libido in Men and how to enhance testosterone and sex drive naturally.