Sexual Intercourse Problems With Banana Shaped Penis
Don't think you are the only guy out there with a "banana" shaped penis because you certainly are not.
Penile curvature, or commonly known as peyronie's disease, is a common male problem as around 400 men out of 100,000 suffer from this serious and unpleasant problem.
Those who suffer from penile curvature usually wonder why it happens and what causes a bent penis.
I will try to explain it here.
Penile curvature is commonly a result of fibrous tissue which develops on the tunica albugiena, which is part of the penis.
The end result of it is a lump or band of tissue around the center of the penis, with a visible curvature when erected.
Usually, from peyronie's disease suffer men aged around 40 - 70, but it is not rare for younger man to be diagnosed with this condition.
When curvature on the penis is present, and penis gets into a banana shape, the problem with sexual intercourse occurs which can make your life, and life of your partner, make a lot harder and unpleasant.
In some cases sexual intercourse could even be impossible because of pain caused by penis curvature to either you or your partner, or even both of you.
The fact is, women are built to accommodate penis size of 4 to 9 inches without much problems, but their vaginas are not made to be able to deal with curvatures, For women sexual intercourse with a guy who have a curve on the penis could be extremely painful and unpleasant.
What would be a solution for you if you suffer from peyronie's disease? How to deal with it and is there are method to solve your problem? There is a big possibility you will hear about various solutions and not all of them are proven to be effective, recommended and safe to use.
For example, one possible solution would be a surgery, but of course, how many of us would like to go under the knife without a solid guarantee of success, which is impossible to get with the penile curvature problem.
It is very advisable to try different, non-surgical methods before you decide to take a huge risk with penis surgery.
One possible solution which is highly recommended are traction devices, also known as stretchers, which have a rich history of success in solving problems with penis curvature.
Some of them are possible to correct penile curvature by up to 70% and even 100%! Another recommended solution are penis exercises, which are known as an effective way to improve penis health and fitness for thousands of years as even ancient Arabs used penis exercises known as Jelq to prepare their youngsters for maturity and marriage, and to solve common penis problem like penile curvature.
Penile curvature, or commonly known as peyronie's disease, is a common male problem as around 400 men out of 100,000 suffer from this serious and unpleasant problem.
Those who suffer from penile curvature usually wonder why it happens and what causes a bent penis.
I will try to explain it here.
Penile curvature is commonly a result of fibrous tissue which develops on the tunica albugiena, which is part of the penis.
The end result of it is a lump or band of tissue around the center of the penis, with a visible curvature when erected.
Usually, from peyronie's disease suffer men aged around 40 - 70, but it is not rare for younger man to be diagnosed with this condition.
When curvature on the penis is present, and penis gets into a banana shape, the problem with sexual intercourse occurs which can make your life, and life of your partner, make a lot harder and unpleasant.
In some cases sexual intercourse could even be impossible because of pain caused by penis curvature to either you or your partner, or even both of you.
The fact is, women are built to accommodate penis size of 4 to 9 inches without much problems, but their vaginas are not made to be able to deal with curvatures, For women sexual intercourse with a guy who have a curve on the penis could be extremely painful and unpleasant.
What would be a solution for you if you suffer from peyronie's disease? How to deal with it and is there are method to solve your problem? There is a big possibility you will hear about various solutions and not all of them are proven to be effective, recommended and safe to use.
For example, one possible solution would be a surgery, but of course, how many of us would like to go under the knife without a solid guarantee of success, which is impossible to get with the penile curvature problem.
It is very advisable to try different, non-surgical methods before you decide to take a huge risk with penis surgery.
One possible solution which is highly recommended are traction devices, also known as stretchers, which have a rich history of success in solving problems with penis curvature.
Some of them are possible to correct penile curvature by up to 70% and even 100%! Another recommended solution are penis exercises, which are known as an effective way to improve penis health and fitness for thousands of years as even ancient Arabs used penis exercises known as Jelq to prepare their youngsters for maturity and marriage, and to solve common penis problem like penile curvature.