How to Apply for Medicaid Online
- 1). Type Medicaid into a search engine: To begin with, open the search engine you use most often. Then, in the search box, type in "Medicaid" or "Apply for Medicaid". A sizable list of Medicaid websites will appear before your eyes. Some websites are state specific and others are not. This is where the research begins for finding the best website and company you need for your particular medical situation.
- 2). Begin filling out free quotes online: Now that you have found many Medicaid websites and companies, bookmark them and then look at each one individually. If any of these bookmarked websites allow you to get a free quote, fill out the free quote page and wait until you either receive a call or email from that insurance company. You may qualify for Medicaid if you have children and a limited income, you receive a supplemental income or Social Securiy Income, you are a pregnant woman who who meets income requirements (perhaps your family of four making less than $25,000 annually) or you might be a family with less than $2,000 in assets. Each state has its own Medicaid applications or quotes to fill out. If you go to, you can also look for general Medicaid information, mangaed care, Medicaid Fraud and Abuse, Medicaid Incentives and Medicaid Prescription Drugs.
- 3). Contact your local Social Security or Health and Human Services department. There are other ways to apply for Medicaid offline if need be. If you live close to a Social Security office, that would be a good place to apply for Medicaid, along with the Health and Human Services department. The Health and Human Services is run through each state or county, individually.
- 4). Get Medicaid legal answers: Go to ElderLaw for older Americans. At this website, you can find an attorney, learn about Medicaid rules and Medicaid Planning. Along with these topics, you can also use the online calculators, checklists, glossary and so much more. ElderLaw Answers also has a radio program that can be heard online, anytime.