How to Tell If You Have Alzheimer's
- 1). Take note of any difficulties you may have when speaking. People who suffer from Alzheimer's usually have problems finding the right words to express themselves.
- 2). Watch for instances of forgetfulness. A symptom of this disease is forgetting how to use simple objects, such as a pen. Patients also forget to do those things that are necessary for their safety, such as turn the stove off, lock the doors or close the windows.
- 3). Notice any mood and personality changes. These include agitation, memory problems, trouble focusing and poor judgment. People suffering from this illness also become less trusting of others.
- 4). Check your orientation and spatial ability. Another symptom of Alzheimer's is the inability to find your way around familiar places. You may also have some difficulty driving.
- 5). Notice how you handle complex tasks. Victims of this illness suddenly find it difficult to perform the steps needed to complete a task, such as cooking.
- 6). Record the frequency of these symptoms. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, symptoms may appear suddenly, develop gradually or come and go. It varies per individual.
- 7). Consult your doctor. Your doctor will conduct a physical examination, a mental assessment, a functional assessment and a focused history. He may also talk with your family members and friends for their impressions of your behavior.