19 - The Sun
High up in the heavens, the sun shines down upon the earth. Far below, a smiling naked child rides the white horse of solar energy, which he controls without the use of a bridle or even a saddle. The child shows us the perfect balance between the control of the conscious and the subconscious mind. Behind him, sits the walled garden of mankind, and it includes four fully developed sunflowers, representing the elements of earth, air, fire and water.
The child's nakedness shows us he has nothing to hide, and he is nearing the final stages of the Fool's journey. Spiritually, he is ready to accomplish for mankind what the Sun accomplishes every day -- offering warmth and light.
A Sun appearing in a Tarot spread is nearly always a sign of good things to come -- it's the card of mental and physical health, happy reunions and good marriages. It also may indicate the liberation that comes with the completion of studies and learning, and reminds us that there can be great pleasure found in the simplest of things.
A reversed Sun often symbolizes a cloudy future -- it may point to someone whose marriage or job is on the line, or someone who is just wandering aimlessly with no direction, and thus, no goal in sight.
The child's nakedness shows us he has nothing to hide, and he is nearing the final stages of the Fool's journey. Spiritually, he is ready to accomplish for mankind what the Sun accomplishes every day -- offering warmth and light.
A Sun appearing in a Tarot spread is nearly always a sign of good things to come -- it's the card of mental and physical health, happy reunions and good marriages. It also may indicate the liberation that comes with the completion of studies and learning, and reminds us that there can be great pleasure found in the simplest of things.
A reversed Sun often symbolizes a cloudy future -- it may point to someone whose marriage or job is on the line, or someone who is just wandering aimlessly with no direction, and thus, no goal in sight.