Air Travel with an Infant - Planning, Airport, and Airline Flights
One of the more complicated aspects of air travel, is flying with an infant. With limited space on board, air pressure changes that hurt the little one's ears, endless announcements in the terminal, and bright lights all around, the air travel experience can be difficult on both the very young passenger and the parent.
Airlines may be baby-friendly enough, but that isn't always the experience with fellow passengers.
It can be a very stressful time for a new parent traveling with the under 2 set. Flying with the youngest passengers does require extra time and planning. I've written the following series of articles to help make air travel with an infant a little less stress-filled -
Survival Tips for Air Travel with an Infant - Planning Stages - required documents, infant airfares, baggage allowance, what to bring on board, when to fly.
Survival Tips for Air Travel with an Infant - At the Airport - how to navigate check-in, airport security screening, the gate area, and the arrivals area.
Survival Tips for Air Travel with an Infant - The Flight - preboarding, what to bring on board, airline seating, if baby fusses or is upset.
Bringing Car Seats on a Flight for Infants and Toddlers Under Two - rules and regulations for using car seats on airline flights.
Infant Ticketing Policy - the typical rules for an infant ticket.
Strollers and the Gate - check-in or bringing a stroller to the gate, where it can be stored, what to do if you have a connecting flight, what to look for on a stroller tag.