Here is UNDENIABLE proof that JESUS IS REAL. Please don"t spend your ETERNITY in HELL.
Hello everyone, I have undeniable, solid proof that God and Jesus are, in fact, real for those who are weak in faith or unbelievers. Yahweh is watching you RIGHT NOW. I promise this to you. FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT OBEY THE WORD OF GOD, I PROMISE, YOU WILL BURN AND CHOKE (yes, choke) IN HELL IN THE TIMELESS LAKE BURNING SULFUR (ACID) FOREVER AND EVER. It will be exactly like how you feel when you drown in water because the sulfur is liquid matter, but this terrifying feeling of no breath, continues forever and ever. IT NEVER ENDS. EVER.
As you might know, David was , in fact, a prophet. There are prophetic visions in some of his psalms. Now, in Psalms 22, he CLEARLY prophecies the crucifixion of Jesus Christ (LOUD AND CLEAR), which you can research on web and see that other people already know this.
In the first verse, he starts out by saying, €My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?€. These are the EXACT words that Jesus said, right before the moment he died on the cross, which you can read in Matthew 27:46.
In verse 7 and 8, he then prophecies through the spirit, €All who see me mock me; they hurl insults, shaking their heads. He trusts in the Lord. Let the Lord rescue him. Let him deliver him, since he delights in him.€ These are the EXACT words of the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the elders as they mocked him, as it reads in Matthew 41 and 42. Also, in Matthew 39, it reads, €Those who passed by hurled insults at him, shaking their heads (as the psalm prophecies).
In Psalms 22:16, he prophecies, saying, €Dogs have surrounded me, a band of evil men has encircled me, they have pierced my hands and feet.€ Everybody knows, of course, that this is how Jesus died. By being crucified on the cross, where his hands and feet were pierced.
Finally, in Psalms 22:18, he prophecies, saying, €They divide my garments among them, and cast lots for my clothing€. In Matthew 27:35, it reads, €When they had crucified him, they divided his clothes by casting lots€.
This could be done, no other way, but through prophecy through the ACTUAL spirit of Yahweh (God's Holy Name). This is UNDENIABLE proof that Yahweh is the One and Only God and that Jesus is, in fact, alive.
I hope that when you read this that it will either increase your faith to the point where you see for sure that Jesus is real or that it will turn any unbelievers to Jesus, so that you will not have receive such a HORRIFYING, ENDLESS (actually) fate. Hell is the fate of EVERY man and woman that dies without believing in and obeying Jesus's words. But to those who do, they WILL receive an unimaginable, beautiful eternity (endless happiness) in Heaven. Please, don't miss out on that, and go to hell, as I unfortunately may, for possibly committing the unpardonable, eternal sin.
As you might know, David was , in fact, a prophet. There are prophetic visions in some of his psalms. Now, in Psalms 22, he CLEARLY prophecies the crucifixion of Jesus Christ (LOUD AND CLEAR), which you can research on web and see that other people already know this.
In the first verse, he starts out by saying, €My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?€. These are the EXACT words that Jesus said, right before the moment he died on the cross, which you can read in Matthew 27:46.
In verse 7 and 8, he then prophecies through the spirit, €All who see me mock me; they hurl insults, shaking their heads. He trusts in the Lord. Let the Lord rescue him. Let him deliver him, since he delights in him.€ These are the EXACT words of the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the elders as they mocked him, as it reads in Matthew 41 and 42. Also, in Matthew 39, it reads, €Those who passed by hurled insults at him, shaking their heads (as the psalm prophecies).
In Psalms 22:16, he prophecies, saying, €Dogs have surrounded me, a band of evil men has encircled me, they have pierced my hands and feet.€ Everybody knows, of course, that this is how Jesus died. By being crucified on the cross, where his hands and feet were pierced.
Finally, in Psalms 22:18, he prophecies, saying, €They divide my garments among them, and cast lots for my clothing€. In Matthew 27:35, it reads, €When they had crucified him, they divided his clothes by casting lots€.
This could be done, no other way, but through prophecy through the ACTUAL spirit of Yahweh (God's Holy Name). This is UNDENIABLE proof that Yahweh is the One and Only God and that Jesus is, in fact, alive.
I hope that when you read this that it will either increase your faith to the point where you see for sure that Jesus is real or that it will turn any unbelievers to Jesus, so that you will not have receive such a HORRIFYING, ENDLESS (actually) fate. Hell is the fate of EVERY man and woman that dies without believing in and obeying Jesus's words. But to those who do, they WILL receive an unimaginable, beautiful eternity (endless happiness) in Heaven. Please, don't miss out on that, and go to hell, as I unfortunately may, for possibly committing the unpardonable, eternal sin.