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Child Molestation World Record Holder!!

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Being the CNN loyalist and avid conspiracy theorist that I am, I couldn't help but zoom in on the plague of child molestation cases that dominated the headlines circa. 1999. It seems that through time even celebrities are not immune, Michael Jackson, Roman Polanski, Jerry Lee Lewis, Bishop Eddie Long, former Oregon Governor Neil Goldschmidt who confessed his guilt, and R&B singer, R. Kelly had bouts with the accusations as well. Without a doubt, the Catholic priests seemed to take the lead in such an evil taboo that society has been forced to talk about. So-called cult leader, David Koresh, of the Branch Davidian was also accused as well as the Mormons of Utah, who have always been held in contempt by the other 49 states that look down on them for their lawful practice of polygamy.  

In the case of the Catholic Priests, it is strange that to my knowledge, I haven't seen any of them ever serve a prison sentence. My best guess is, they are covered by the Vatican, which is its own sovereign entity. So there is no way they can really be sued. So basically, what we are seeing is more or less "here is your money, leave us alone payments, that are made out to be civil law suits for damages, emotional distress, and 'pain and suffering.'  

However, none of these made my 'conspiracy theory' alarm go off as did the infamous 2002 case of H.E. Rev. Dr. Malachi Z. York-El, who was known as the leader of the Nuwaupians. To bring the reader up to speed, H. E. Rev. Dr. Malachi Z. York-El, is a Consul-General and Diplomat for Liberia, West Africa, whose passport number is: D/003828-04, which would bring with it Diplomatic Immunity. Accusation per accusation, this case seemed to me very bizarre and far-fetched. Rev. Dr. York was accused of molesting up to 13 children, up to 10 times a day, for up to 10 years!! My first thought was, "That is a lot of sex," and immediately my suspicions started.  

Just think, if we take one child for let's say 5 times a day for 5 days a week, if I am correct, that is 25 times of having sex in one week.  Now, multiply that 25 times by 13 children and that is 325 times he would have had sex for that week, correct? Now, we take 325 times a week by 52 weeks, again if I am correct, that comes to 16,900 times he would have had sex in a year!!!! Now, let's take that into perspective against the 20,000 times the Great Wilt Chamberlain said he had sex in his lifetime!! I would also challenge any pornographic film star to equal those numbers as well. OK let's finish it up, take that 16,900 times 10 years, if I am correct again, that comes to 169,000 times!!!! Which in my mind would be a world record indeed. I was quite surprised when Viagra didn't want to use him as a spokesman and even more surprised when Guinness Book didn't list him as well!  

While downtown Atlanta, I ran into some men who were 'propagating' the Nuwaupian doctrine and defending Rev. Dr. York's innocence. Many of the issues I had with what was being said in the media about the case were confirmed with my conversations with them.  

Issue 1: How could Rev. York be arrested even after presenting his Diplomatic credentials to the arresting officers?    The Nuwaupians answered that because of the doctrine that Rev. York has presented to the world, there are people who wanted him off the streets as a free man at all costs. Taking into consideration, that Malachi York is also a sovereign who knows what his status and the UCC CODES entail. This was also something that he wrote about in one of his books called, "Let's Set The Record Straight."   In it he outlined the history between America and Morocco and the treatise that were made between them, namely the Treaty Of Peace And Friendship, which is the oldest treaty that is still recognized to this day.  

Issue 2: Why would Dr. York plea guilty after originally entering a plea of innocent and the evidence clearly proved him innocent?   This was done because Dr. York was told the women who were with him at the time of his arrest, would be let go if he would plea guilty, being that they were Innocent and it was he who the prosecution really wanted in the first place.

Issue 3: How the hell could somebody possibly have sex that many times, yet alone have enough time? Again, they confirmed my suspicions with facts and common sense. It was clear that children were behind this plot, because any adult would have know it is impossible to have sex that many times. Put to me as such, H. E. Malachi Z. York has written over 400 books. That's right over 400 books!! Now, find any person who publishes books and ask them how long the process of writing and publishing just one book is and see what they say. 

Issue 4: How did the whole mess start in the first place? They told me that it was all started by a group of kids who lived on the Nuwaupian land and could not break rules as they wanted. It was against the rules to have sex if they weren't married, they couldn't dress in skin tight clothing and go out to party. They got fed up with the rules that were in place to keep the order that was established by Dr. York and that was their way of getting back at him. They then conspired with the racist sheriff by the name of Howard Richard Sills, of Putnam County, GA, who hated the Nuwaupians and could not come to grips with the reality that a group of Black people lived together, had wealth and no criminal records. In return, for a conviction, the government promised them they could sue Dr. York for millions of dollars and split the pot between them.  

It was also the result of the 476 acres of land that the Nuwaupians owned stood in the way of an economic plan that the Putnam County government had in development for the next 20 years. This economic plan included turning the city of Eatonton/Putnam County, GA into a tourist attraction/resort area of sorts. This also had ties with neighboring Greene County that has a major resort area called Reynolds Plantation and a Ritz-Carlton Hotel. Reynolds Plantation is owned by Mercer Reynolds, who is a close friend and business partner of Former President  Bush the younger. Recently, Reynolds has been in the headlines for having to sell some his assets to satisfy lenders. Now with all these things being said, let's look at some medical evidence to prove that Rev. Dr. Malachi Kobina York could not be guilty of these false allegations:  

1. Dr. Frederick Bright, MD OB/GYN, who is licensed to practice in the state of Georgia, was called in as a medical expert by the family of Dr. York to review the information and evidence that was brought in by the government/prosecution as early as Dec. 2002.  After his examination of the evidence and testimonies of the alleged victims, he found many what he termed 'consistent inconsistencies.'  This case was purely a 'hearsay' case!  

2. In child molestation cases it is the normal procedure to have medical examinations done within 72 hours of the alleged molestations, the acute stage of the alleged events, to obtain forensic evidence-skin, hair, semen, saliva, etc, from the genital areas. What Dr. Bright found was that no history of events was taken by the examiners to determine the level of evaluation necessary for each victim which is very critical.  

3. Some of the children had STD's, including Chlamydia and Herpes 1. Dr. York upon examination, was found to have had none of these diseases and did not even have the anti-bodies present to suggest that he was even treated for any of these diseases and had them cured. For the record, all of the alleged victims didn't have an STD. This shows an inconsistency. They all should have had the same STD, because they testified that Rev. Dr. York would go from one to the other. There was no DNA evidence ever found to suggest that Rev. York had engaged in any sexual acts with any of these alleged victims. There were no pregnancies. There were no testimonies of condoms being used and these girls were at the age of puberty.  

4. When interviewed, none of the children gave any exact dates of the "molestations" that occurred. This includes nothing about "I remember because it was two days before my birthday." They always gave very vague time frames, like it was the summer of 1998 or  it was the fall of 1999, which doesn't give a defendant anyway to prove he was not in said place at said time. Many of their testimonies contradicted each other about who was present when what they saw was supposedly happening to the other. There were also no mentions or testimonies by any of the alleged victims of any abortions or anything about each time Dr. York changed the bedding or anything about plastic covers on sheets.  

5. There were no recorded interviews or statements(written, audio, or visual) from the alleged victims that could be evaluated by the defense experts which means the government/prosecution could make any statements necessary to bring charges against the accused. This is very important because the absence of recorded interviews prevents scrutiny of the prosecutions statements by the defense. Also, in the event contradictory information is identified, the contradictions can easily be dismissed or explained away by the prosecution. THIS TYPE OF CONDUCT SUGGESTS THAT THE GOVERNMENT/PROSECUTION HAD NO INTEREST IN ACCURATELY RECORDING THEIR FINDINGS OR THE VICTIMS WERE GIVING UNRELIABLE STATEMENTS. WHICH EXPLAINS WHY THE COURT WAS CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC DURING THE TRIAL AND THE TRANSCRIPTS WERE SEALED AFTERWARDS!!!!  

6. 5 other children were taken from the Nuwaupian land that was called Tama-RE, Egipt of the West, without consent and knowledge of their parents and given examinations by state agencies and not one of them were found to be abused, sexually, mentally, or physically.

7. 8 of the 13 who originally alleged abuse by Dr. York, recanted their own testimonies on sworn affidavits. Too add to that, many of their own immediate family testified against them and said they were lying.

8. The government's 'Star Witness', Abigail Washington, recanted her testimony of abuse as well on a sworn affidavit and even recanted her testimony that Rev. Dr. York was guilty of the money structuring charges.  


10. Assistant D.A. Richard Moultrie, stated for the record that he had no video tapes to prove any of the allegations. This is important because supposedly, video tapes were said to have been made of Dr. York engaging in these alleged acts.    

In closing, I did my own research on Dr. York and found something startling. For more than 40 years Dr. Malachi K. York has written over 400 books on scientific, religious, and historical topics. Anyone who has written a dissertation, thesis paper, research paper, periodical, etc, knows how much time and energy goes into writings such as these. Ask yourself, "How does someone have enough time to write 400 books, yet alone do it while molesting 13 kids all day, everyday for more than 10 years?" I will tell you how it's done. IT'S SIMPLY IMPOSSIBLE TO DO!

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