Signs of Cheating Husbands
- Organizing the logistics of an affair while keeping it secret from a spouse is tricky business, which means there's a good chance he won't be able to cover up his tracks completely.
Some common signs include evidence of communication with someone he doesn't want you to know about. You may find constant calls to an unknown number on your phone statement (especially if it's one that he can't explain or claims he can't remember), or lists in his cell phone call log or text log. If he's working to hide electronic contacts, he may suddenly be more secretive about his phone and email records than he used to be, deleting his logs or changing email passwords you used to know.
You also may notice that your house phone or his cell phone is receiving a higher than normal volume of "wrong number" calls, especially if they seem to come from someone with the same voice every time. - Signs of an affair also can involve purchases. Look for bank or credit card statements with restaurant purchase amounts of the right size for two meals, hotel rooms or event tickets. If he hides these purchases by paying in cash, you'll see larger cash withdrawals, and be on the lookout for receipts that may fall out of his pocket or wallet. He also may start buying new clothes or underwear in patterns that don't match his normal habits, or buy more condoms than he seems to be using with you.
- Since an affair takes time, how he manages to get away from his daily routine to see his lover can be some of the most reliable indicators. He may start taking "classes" but make excuses for why you can't pick him up or drop him off or in any other way visit the location where they're taking place. He may suddenly start "working late" or claim he has weekend working engagements. He might take vacation time in order to leave work and spend time with his other partner, leaving less vacation time available than you might have thought he had.
- In addition to practical signs of an affair, certain changes in how his behavior and mood can indicate the presence of another romantic relationship in his life. Though every person handles emotional situations in different ways, common behavioral changes may include general emotional distance or coldness, changes in your sexual routine (he suddenly seems less interested in sex with you) or a change in how he treats you; he may act in a more defensive manner and you may argue more, or he may seem guilty and go out of his way to treat you better than he normally would.
- In many casing, a cheating husband may hide the affair itself but not the person he's having it with. This may be especially likely if the partner is already a trusted friend or not of the sex you would be expecting. If this is happening, he may be spending more time with this other person than you might think is normal, or you may catch him with that other person after he'd told you he was going to be somewhere else.
Scheduling Signs
Behavior Signs
Affairs With Known Partners