Difference Between Puritans & Separatists
- Puritans completely opposed the way in which the English churches functioned and they struggled to make changes to it. They believed that religious schools and the practices resulted in corruption; even in the worship of God. Therefore, Puritans believed that people should start following purer forms to worship God. Separatists totally opposed the racial refinement and genocide. The people with more power exploited the weaker class economically. The separatists completely opposed this economic exploitation, and they tried through all their actions to put a stop to this unfair exploitation.
- Separatists wanted to get separated from the Church of England. They did not believe in the actions of non-believers also, and aimed at separating themselves from non-believers. However, the Puritans did not aim to separate themselves from the Church of England. They still wanted to be considered as part of the Church of England. However, they aimed at reformation of the Church of England, from the influence caused by the Catholic Church.
- Puritans were interested to remain a part of England and to work for biblical reformation by remaining there. They declared themselves as English, even after their migration to New England. They wanted their new colony to be a biblical witness setting an example of the right kind of religious practices, and wanted to set an example for Old England and for the entire world. The Separatists aimed at achieving reformation without tarrying, though they were aware that it could separate them from the church and the nation. They also declared themselves as English, but aimed at innovative political and religious identity.
- Puritan theology was similar to Calvinism. It talked of the sinful nature of humans. The Puritans believed that by an everlasting verdict, God has resolved to save some people through the righteousness of Christ. They believed in the concept of eternal destiny. They gave a lot of importance to conversion, and to change humans from being sinful to be holy.
Differences in Religious Beliefs
Differences in Religious Aims