Getting Your Network to Take Action on Your Message
So you want your network to take you seriously and take action on your message! You want what? You, want a response out of your network! What makes you think that you deserve a response from your network? There are a lot of people on the Internet that feel that simply having a lot of connections, friends, and followers; means they should be able to get lots of action.
The reality is that it just does not work that way.
Overwhelming action happens because of overwhelming:
Compelling Messages Come from Great Conversations Your compelling message will originate from having great conversations.
These may be conversations that you initiate or those that you join.
It really does not matter.
You must be having quality conversations with your audience.
If there is no quality your efforts are wasted and you will get nowhere! Quality Happens When You Add Value to the Conversations When you participate make sure that your contribution has value and adds to the conversation.
Do not go out and post a one or two line entry and think that is a contribution.
In some cases that may be the case, but you cannot do that all the time and think you are doing something great and building your reputation.
Your contributions must be relevant, helpful, and information packed.
There is no holding back in this process.
You Do Not Want a Reputation of Someone with Little To Say No, you are building a reputation: it is one of someone that has little to say or contribute.
If you want to be recognized you must put yourself out there.
Do not be a spectator.
Conversations are not spectator sports.
Quality Happens When You Are Able to Make a Point and Support It With Facts Quite often I will read things that are technically untrue or off base.
If your disagreement is over a matter of opinion; that is a whole different story and must be addressed with a totally different approach.
If you are involved in conversations or when you get involved you will find situations where there are technical inaccuracies.
As you respond remember that you are addressing the comment and not the individual.
There is no faster way to destroy your credibility and trustworthiness than by attacking someone.
You Must Demonstrate Your Expertise Your conversations must demonstrate your expertise.
Do not go out bragging that you are THE expert or even an expert, that is just positioning yourself for failure.
What you must demonstrate is your expertise and that you have valuable information that you are willing to share.
When someone advertises themselves as THE expert; they put a big target on their back.
DO NOT DO IT! Getting the Response You Desire When you add quality and start the process of establishing your expertise you move to the point of creating your honesty, credibility, trust, and brand.
These are the necessary ingredients to start the response process.
As you can see these are not instantaneous results.
They take work, effort, and most of all consistency.
Your audience does not want to see you today and then not see you for weeks or months.
That process will destroy all that you are working to accomplish.
You can find all kinds of promises to build your Twitter following to 10,000 in one month or other outlandish schemes.
Unless you have something to back it up; so when people visit your web page, blog, or read your articles the numbers mean nothing.
The reality is that it just does not work that way.
Overwhelming action happens because of overwhelming:
- Honesty.
- Credibility.
- Trust.
- Compelling messages.
Compelling Messages Come from Great Conversations Your compelling message will originate from having great conversations.
These may be conversations that you initiate or those that you join.
It really does not matter.
You must be having quality conversations with your audience.
If there is no quality your efforts are wasted and you will get nowhere! Quality Happens When You Add Value to the Conversations When you participate make sure that your contribution has value and adds to the conversation.
Do not go out and post a one or two line entry and think that is a contribution.
In some cases that may be the case, but you cannot do that all the time and think you are doing something great and building your reputation.
Your contributions must be relevant, helpful, and information packed.
There is no holding back in this process.
You Do Not Want a Reputation of Someone with Little To Say No, you are building a reputation: it is one of someone that has little to say or contribute.
If you want to be recognized you must put yourself out there.
Do not be a spectator.
Conversations are not spectator sports.
Quality Happens When You Are Able to Make a Point and Support It With Facts Quite often I will read things that are technically untrue or off base.
If your disagreement is over a matter of opinion; that is a whole different story and must be addressed with a totally different approach.
If you are involved in conversations or when you get involved you will find situations where there are technical inaccuracies.
As you respond remember that you are addressing the comment and not the individual.
There is no faster way to destroy your credibility and trustworthiness than by attacking someone.
You Must Demonstrate Your Expertise Your conversations must demonstrate your expertise.
Do not go out bragging that you are THE expert or even an expert, that is just positioning yourself for failure.
What you must demonstrate is your expertise and that you have valuable information that you are willing to share.
When someone advertises themselves as THE expert; they put a big target on their back.
DO NOT DO IT! Getting the Response You Desire When you add quality and start the process of establishing your expertise you move to the point of creating your honesty, credibility, trust, and brand.
These are the necessary ingredients to start the response process.
As you can see these are not instantaneous results.
They take work, effort, and most of all consistency.
Your audience does not want to see you today and then not see you for weeks or months.
That process will destroy all that you are working to accomplish.
You can find all kinds of promises to build your Twitter following to 10,000 in one month or other outlandish schemes.
Unless you have something to back it up; so when people visit your web page, blog, or read your articles the numbers mean nothing.