Why You Need Facial Cream For Dry Skin
Have you noticed a change in your skin texture? it is true that some people have normal skin, some oily, some dry and some a combination of oily and dry.
But the truth is that we all experience dryness at some stage in our lives; for instance, may be you have always had normal skin and lately you noticed that your skin is becoming dry? There could be different reasons for that.
So let us examine some of the reasons.
As you get older, how the different components of your body functions begin to change gradually; and the production of most of the essential natural substances your body needs begins to decrease.
One of such is the production of sebum; the level of sebum in your body determines your skin type because its function is to moisturize the body.
If it is balanced you have normal skin; if it is too much, you have oily; and if too little you have dry.
So it is not unusual to start experiencing dryness of the body as one gets older; hence you need a cream to combat that problem.
Because your face is very delicate and sensitive, you should not use the cream you use on other parts of your body on your face; therefore your facial cream for dry skin should contain jojoba oil because it helps to regulate the production of sebum in your body.
Another cause of dry skin is over exposure to UV rays of the sun; that is why it is important to supply your body with antioxidants by eating enough fruits, vegetables and fish.
Your face cream should also contain important antioxidant ingredients like natural vitamin E, macadamia oil, active manuka honey and grapeseed oil in order to counter the activities of the free radicals triggered by the UV rays of the sun.
It could also be that you are using skin care products that contain fragrances, parabens or alcohols(ethanol, ethyl alcohol, methanol, benzyl alcohol, isopropyl) these ingredients do not only dry out your skin, they are also very harmful to your body.
From the above, you could see that we all need facial cream for dry skin some time in our lives, if you don't need it earlier in life, you would definitely need it later as you age.
For more information on the face cream that will alleviate your dry skin problem, visit my website.
But the truth is that we all experience dryness at some stage in our lives; for instance, may be you have always had normal skin and lately you noticed that your skin is becoming dry? There could be different reasons for that.
So let us examine some of the reasons.
As you get older, how the different components of your body functions begin to change gradually; and the production of most of the essential natural substances your body needs begins to decrease.
One of such is the production of sebum; the level of sebum in your body determines your skin type because its function is to moisturize the body.
If it is balanced you have normal skin; if it is too much, you have oily; and if too little you have dry.
So it is not unusual to start experiencing dryness of the body as one gets older; hence you need a cream to combat that problem.
Because your face is very delicate and sensitive, you should not use the cream you use on other parts of your body on your face; therefore your facial cream for dry skin should contain jojoba oil because it helps to regulate the production of sebum in your body.
Another cause of dry skin is over exposure to UV rays of the sun; that is why it is important to supply your body with antioxidants by eating enough fruits, vegetables and fish.
Your face cream should also contain important antioxidant ingredients like natural vitamin E, macadamia oil, active manuka honey and grapeseed oil in order to counter the activities of the free radicals triggered by the UV rays of the sun.
It could also be that you are using skin care products that contain fragrances, parabens or alcohols(ethanol, ethyl alcohol, methanol, benzyl alcohol, isopropyl) these ingredients do not only dry out your skin, they are also very harmful to your body.
From the above, you could see that we all need facial cream for dry skin some time in our lives, if you don't need it earlier in life, you would definitely need it later as you age.
For more information on the face cream that will alleviate your dry skin problem, visit my website.