Woven Wire Fence Ideas
- Woven wire fencing holds up to the weather.frosty fence image by PeteG from Fotolia.com
The proper use of woven wire fence secures your home and pets. The versatile fencing option is often a low-cost alternative for yards, cages and pens. Often found on farms and in areas with wildlife, the fencing has practical purposes in any environment. Made in several gauges and widths, the fencing is available with sharp barbs or smooth. Plastic meshing is often added to the fence for snow or small animal protection. - Chain link fence is a common security measure used to divide property and secure pets. To cut costs but keep pets secure and property lines drawn, woven wire fencing is an option. Often less expensive than chain link, the fencing is an option for larger pets. The fence will not keep in cats or teacup-size dogs without the addition of meshing. The woven wire fence is attachable to almost any type of fence post, including wood block, eliminating the need for more expensive metal poles. The lighter consistency of the fencing allows for do-it-yourself installation around a backyard, further cutting the cost compared to chain link. Be aware that without additional meshing placed over the woven wire, smaller neighborhood animals can access the fenced area. If the barbed variety of the fence is chosen, it will act as a deterrent for any animal getting its fur caught on the fence.
- For a garden, woven wire fencing is an option to divide the area and create growing walls--a space for vines or spreading plants. Vining tomatoes or grapes will attach to the wire, allowing fruit to hang freely. Placed around tall growing plants, such as okra, a circle of woven wire fencing acts as a support. The fencing also will protect the area from larger wild animals or pets and act as deterrent for smaller pets or rodents.
- While fencing traditionally used on farms and ranches may not be the first item thought of for decoration, the product can be a simple way to spruce up the yard. With the fencing stretched across the side of a house, the creative decorator may create the look of ivy-covered walls. Use the tallest available gauge of woven wire fence. Use heavy-duty staples to attach the ends and center to the siding of the house. Use outdoor grade fake ivy available at craft or home improvement stores. Wrap the ivy up the vertical wires from the ground to the top. Add small pieces to the cross wires to cover. The end result is a rustic-looking ivy wall.
Chain Link Replacement
Garden Walls