Achieving Non-Thought
There is a tug of war going on inside myself. The war is between my organic brain and my higher consciousness. I know this war is going on because the minute I decide to think with my higher consciousness my organic brain says, "Oh yea, I'm in charge and I want you to think with me only." Meanwhile, my higher consciousness waits patiently for me to achieve non-thought so I can begin to really think.
What do I mean by 'think with the higher consciousness'? I mean just that. Okay, the next question might be, "How do you think with your higher consciousness?" You think with your higher consciousness by getting your organic brain out of the way (non-thought), what is left is your true self. How does the true self think? The true self thinks with feelings, not words.
One of the ways I get my organic brain out of the way so I can think with my higher consciousness is by meditating. Unfortunately, as soon as I begin to meditate my organic brain wants to talk to me. I tell my brain, "No, I am going to be thinking with my higher consciousness right now." My brain says, "What about the laundry, or how about a nice daydream, or let's put together a scenario where something bad happens and you have to imagine how you are going to survive this bad thing, or..." You get the picture. The weird part is that it is my brain that is telling itself to be quiet, only it doesn't listen to itself. This is kind of a catch 22, telling the brain something with your brain is still thinking with your brain. The way around this is to just allow the brain to stop babbling, not try to force it to stop talking. Also helpful is listening to music while meditating. Listening to music during meditation is like chewing gum for the brain so you can keep it occupied without it distracting you from thinking with your higher consciousness.
I think that one of the reasons why my brain has difficulty quieting down is because of a basic survival instinct. I believe that my brain is afraid that if it quits babbling it will lose its awareness of itself and that it equates this with death. So, ultimately it is my fear of death that keeps me from fully accessing my higher consciousness.
Okay, so how do I get rid of my fear of death? First you must accept that you are not your body; that your body and brain are tools to be used. This is a tough concept, that we are not only not our body and brain but we are not even our own thoughts.
An analogy that might be helpful: Imagine that you are a robot (body) run by a computer (your brain). This computer is programmed to function in an elaborate but programmed way. Granted, humans are very intelligent robots that get to make lots of choices, but remember those choices are all within the limits of the program in the computer. So, we are still automated machines, just very complex machines. Now imagine you are able to shut down all the programs except the base function programs. You shut down your awareness of the outside world even your awareness that you are a robot. What is left?
What do I mean by 'think with the higher consciousness'? I mean just that. Okay, the next question might be, "How do you think with your higher consciousness?" You think with your higher consciousness by getting your organic brain out of the way (non-thought), what is left is your true self. How does the true self think? The true self thinks with feelings, not words.
One of the ways I get my organic brain out of the way so I can think with my higher consciousness is by meditating. Unfortunately, as soon as I begin to meditate my organic brain wants to talk to me. I tell my brain, "No, I am going to be thinking with my higher consciousness right now." My brain says, "What about the laundry, or how about a nice daydream, or let's put together a scenario where something bad happens and you have to imagine how you are going to survive this bad thing, or..." You get the picture. The weird part is that it is my brain that is telling itself to be quiet, only it doesn't listen to itself. This is kind of a catch 22, telling the brain something with your brain is still thinking with your brain. The way around this is to just allow the brain to stop babbling, not try to force it to stop talking. Also helpful is listening to music while meditating. Listening to music during meditation is like chewing gum for the brain so you can keep it occupied without it distracting you from thinking with your higher consciousness.
I think that one of the reasons why my brain has difficulty quieting down is because of a basic survival instinct. I believe that my brain is afraid that if it quits babbling it will lose its awareness of itself and that it equates this with death. So, ultimately it is my fear of death that keeps me from fully accessing my higher consciousness.
Okay, so how do I get rid of my fear of death? First you must accept that you are not your body; that your body and brain are tools to be used. This is a tough concept, that we are not only not our body and brain but we are not even our own thoughts.
An analogy that might be helpful: Imagine that you are a robot (body) run by a computer (your brain). This computer is programmed to function in an elaborate but programmed way. Granted, humans are very intelligent robots that get to make lots of choices, but remember those choices are all within the limits of the program in the computer. So, we are still automated machines, just very complex machines. Now imagine you are able to shut down all the programs except the base function programs. You shut down your awareness of the outside world even your awareness that you are a robot. What is left?