Making a Dog Bed
- Making a dog bed is a relatively simple process, and homemade dog beds are much better quality than store-bought dog beds, as you can choose which materials you will be using. The best material for covering is thick material such as denim. Be careful of the stuffing you choose---make sure it is washable. If your dog has skin issues, make sure the stuffing is hypoallergenic.
- Decide what size you need the dog bed to be. Measure out enough material for the size you want, making sure to leave an extra inch on the pieces. The extra inch will give you room for a sturdy hem. Cut two pieces that are the same size. These pieces will be the top and bottom of the dog bed. You can make the dog bed like a pillow, or you can make it thicker by making sides on the dog bed. To make sides, you will need to cut the material an inch larger than the size you want in addition to the inch for the hem. If you want a 24-inch square dog bed, the material will need to be 26 inches on all sides.
- Flip the material over, so you see the back of it. Fold 1 inch of material over and pin it in place. Iron the folds. Sew along the edge of the fold, creating a hem. Do this to all four sides of both pieces of material. If you want to put a design on the top of the dog bed, cut out the design from contrasting material and sew the design onto the top of the material.
- If you are making a pillow-style bed, pin the two pieces of material together on the right sides. Sew along the edges, leaving a 6-inch space open so that you can turn the bed right-side-out and stuff the bed. Push the stuffing in the bed, making sure it reaches all the corners. Using an overcast stitch, sew up the opening.
If you are making a thicker bed with sides, fold the material on both pieces in 1 inch. Sew a hem stitch along the extreme edge of the fold. You should have a 1-inch flap on both pieces of material when you are finished. - Put the two pieces of material together so the right sides are together. Unfold the edges and line them up. Pin the edges of the two pieces of material together. You will have a square piece of material with a border created by the edge seam. Sew the two pieces of material together, leaving about 6 inches open on one side so you can insert the stuffing. Turn the pocket right-side-out and stuff it, making sure you get the stuffing into all the corners. Using an overhand stitch, stitch up the opening.
Making the Dog Bed