How to Identify a Fire King Lid
- 1). Find some identifying marks on a glass lid, which may be white, clear, pastel or adorned with a colored decal-like addition. The Fire King line included dozens of patterns as well as hundreds of dishes. Dishes with lids, however, were somewhat more rare and included many casseroles with clear and unmarked lids as well as covered sugar bowls and storage containers. Some of the most familiar Fire King products found in homes were clear glass refrigerator dishes, usually square or rectangular, with prominent raised images of vegetables and fruit. These are easier to identify by their designs.
- 2). Carry an unidentified lid into antique shops, glassware museums and thrift stores in order to find a matching piece. Ask Fire King collectors to help identify the piece for which the lid was made. The actual possibility of finding a Fire King logo or trademark on a lid is slim, but finding the dish for which the lid was made may be a possibility.
- 3). Learn as much as possible about the designs often repeated by Fire King such as the huge number of round, clear glass lids with bulbous knobs and circular stripes of decoration around the knob. There are also a large number of undecorated casserole lids. These lids have no center knob and were lifted by grasping a projection on either side. If the lid fits a casserole in a collection, it probably is Fire King.
Identify a Fire King Lid