Embedding Pictures in Your Stepping Stones
Here are some tips and hints to help you embed photos and pictures in your stepping stones. Some of these tips may have been said already, but they are worth repeating:
- From Louella: "I made 'sandwhiches'. You take two pieces of clear glass, enclose a photo between the two,and then you seal the glass with copper tape that you can get at a stained glass store (why not pick up some pretty pieces of glass while your there, they sell scrap stained glass for $2.00 a pound!) Wrap the tape tightly around the glass, and your photo will be sealed inside, then use them on your stepping stones!"
- From Pizzaman427: "I have made a stepping Stone with my daughters class for their teacher. We had their pictures under marbles inset into the cement with fun designs. First I laminated the pictures and then pushed them into the cement and added a flat glass marble on top of it with the flat side on top of the pictures. It was A very special gift."
- From a Guest: "To add a picture, I made a copy of a picture and put white glue on both side, then used clear resin where the picture was going (on the stone) then put clear resin on top of it to seal it. It's been great over a year now."
- From Donna: "I am presently in the process of making some stones with pictures in them. What I have done is gone to my local UPS store and had the pictures laminated (making sure there is enough seal around each picture because once you start cutting you don't want to cut into the seal)."
- From Harry: "You will need some glass gems. These are about 2" round in various colors, but clear is best for photos. Glue the photo to the back of the gem, photo side against the glass. I find Weldbond the best glue to use. It dries clear, has very little odor, and cleans up easily. After the glue has completely dried, put a piece of clear plastic sealing tape on the back, so no moisture gets to the back of the photo. Trim the tape and photo to the edges of the glass gem. The edge of the photo needs to be sealed. Lay the glass gem face down and carefully paint around the edge with something like a clear acrylic sealer. Let that dry thoroughly, and give it a second coat. Press the glass gems into the concrete. They should be pressed in far enough so that the surface of the glass is slightly above the surface of the mix."
I hope these tips help you and you have fun making your own stepping stones. If you have a helpful hint or tip about making stepping stones, please take a moment to post them for all to read.
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