Exclusive Interview with Carter Jenkins on "Valentine"s Day
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Because there so many actors in this, when you were reading the script did it matter how many minutes were devoted to your storyline - or did that not even go through your mind?
Carter Jenkins: "I'd be grateful to have any screen time with these kind of actors. I'm not worried about not having enough. I'm in the trailer for like half of a second, and I'm so grateful for that. [Laughing] There are a lot of actors in this movie that are very pretty, prettier than I, and I would expect them to want to show them in the movie more than me.
Why not show Jessica Biel’s face? So yes, I'm not worrying about not having enough screen time. I'm happy to have any."
Did you and Emma Roberts and the Taylors get to hang out at all or was it all business?
Carter Jenkins: "Yes, we did. We had a blast. They're awesome. I've known Emma for a long time because I was on her Nickelodeon show, Unfabulous, for like half of the episodes in the first season. We shot that in October of '03 and after I left that show we stayed friends. And also I've known Taylor Lautner for many years from acting class. We go to acting class together. So when we found out that we were going to be working together, we were both really psyched."
Did you give him a hard time about being in Twilight?
Carter Jenkins: [Laughing] "No. That's amazing. It's great. I don't think I'd tease him for that, I'd just applaud him for that. It's amazing that he got on such an awesome franchise and it's done what it has for him."
Because we're talking about Valentine's Day and there is the love theme, are you a romantic guy?
Carter Jenkins: "Oh yes, I try to be. I'm a romantic guy."
What's the most romantic thing you've ever done? Are you into giving flowers?
Carter Jenkins: "I am, actually. I like the element of surprise when it comes to romance. I like to, you know, play like, 'Oh, we're not going to do anything special,' and then they find out that there's a lot of flowers waiting in their room for them or something like that."
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Valentine's Day hits theaters on February 12, 2010 and is rated PG-13 for some sexual material and brief partial nudity.