Your Internal GPS - How to Recognize When It"s Talking
Our minds can come up with all kinds of emotional reasons or elaborate justifications for why we should take a certain action.
But if we follow our minds' guidance, we can quickly be led astray.
On the other hand, by learning to listen for and heed our internal GPS, we will always be on course...
even when it appears rocky.
So, first things first - how do we know the difference between our minds' guidance and our inner GPS' guidance? Here's a simple way to differentiate..
think of a time in your life when you just KNEW you had to take a certain action.
We all have several examples of this.
I want you to think of one of those times.
Some examples might include: knowing you would be friends with someone the very first time you met; getting inspired to take a different route to work one day, only to discover there was a big accident on your regular route that would have made you late; or interviewing for a job and knowing immediately that you were perfect for that position/company.
Once you have the example in mind, go back in time to before it occurred, and slowly remember how you felt when you KNEW.
For some it's a physical sensation (perhaps tingling), for some it's in their mind (a strong knowing), for some it's in their gut (a gut feeling), and for you it might be something else.
Once you have identified this "knowing feeling" that is specific to you, then recall other times when you had a knowing, and see if the knowing manifested in the same way for you.
By reviewing these life experience when you just "knew" something, you are becoming aware of your particular style of "knowing"...
you are learning to recognize how your internal GPS speaks to you.
Once you've done that, compare that internal GPS knowing with what it feels like when you rationalize a decision in your mind.
There is a clear difference for each of us between how our inner GPS and our mind direct us.
It is your job to recognize that difference.
Now you're ready! The next time you get a feeling to take a certain course of action, pause for a moment and identify if this is your internal GPS guiding you, or if this is your mind leading you.
Once you've identified where the guidance is coming from, the next step is to respond.
If it's your internal GPS speaking, follow it! - even if it feels uncomfortable and you're not sure how it will turn out.
This is the next phase - learning to trust your inner GPS.
If it was your mind directing you, then recognize that it doesn't always give you the best advice.
It used to be able to talk you into anything - many times to your detriment! Take what it said with a grain of salt, and only take action on it IF it coincides with what your inner GPS is saying.
Congratulations! Now you know how to tell when it's your internal GPS vs.
your mind speaking.
The next step is to practice using this skill daily until, like a muscle when exercised regularly, it is strong.
But if we follow our minds' guidance, we can quickly be led astray.
On the other hand, by learning to listen for and heed our internal GPS, we will always be on course...
even when it appears rocky.
So, first things first - how do we know the difference between our minds' guidance and our inner GPS' guidance? Here's a simple way to differentiate..
think of a time in your life when you just KNEW you had to take a certain action.
We all have several examples of this.
I want you to think of one of those times.
Some examples might include: knowing you would be friends with someone the very first time you met; getting inspired to take a different route to work one day, only to discover there was a big accident on your regular route that would have made you late; or interviewing for a job and knowing immediately that you were perfect for that position/company.
Once you have the example in mind, go back in time to before it occurred, and slowly remember how you felt when you KNEW.
For some it's a physical sensation (perhaps tingling), for some it's in their mind (a strong knowing), for some it's in their gut (a gut feeling), and for you it might be something else.
Once you have identified this "knowing feeling" that is specific to you, then recall other times when you had a knowing, and see if the knowing manifested in the same way for you.
By reviewing these life experience when you just "knew" something, you are becoming aware of your particular style of "knowing"...
you are learning to recognize how your internal GPS speaks to you.
Once you've done that, compare that internal GPS knowing with what it feels like when you rationalize a decision in your mind.
There is a clear difference for each of us between how our inner GPS and our mind direct us.
It is your job to recognize that difference.
Now you're ready! The next time you get a feeling to take a certain course of action, pause for a moment and identify if this is your internal GPS guiding you, or if this is your mind leading you.
Once you've identified where the guidance is coming from, the next step is to respond.
If it's your internal GPS speaking, follow it! - even if it feels uncomfortable and you're not sure how it will turn out.
This is the next phase - learning to trust your inner GPS.
If it was your mind directing you, then recognize that it doesn't always give you the best advice.
It used to be able to talk you into anything - many times to your detriment! Take what it said with a grain of salt, and only take action on it IF it coincides with what your inner GPS is saying.
Congratulations! Now you know how to tell when it's your internal GPS vs.
your mind speaking.
The next step is to practice using this skill daily until, like a muscle when exercised regularly, it is strong.