At the Crossroads - Why the Current President Race is One of the Most Important Ever!
Without a doubt America - the United States faces huge challenges at this time.
Health, Education, welfare, international politics, terrorism, a looming recession - the ending of the oil economy all mean the next decade could be the most important yet.
As the U.
is a moving and shaking of much of what happens in the world - even here in Australia we are interested in the current political developments occurring in the United States.
Senator Obama and Clinton continue to struggle to win the democratic nomination - whilst McCain - an unusual Republican has sewn up the Republican nomination.
Without a doubt the U.
is at a crossroads - as new technology fights to overcome the old oil based economy and millions are close to diving into the depths of poverty with huge numbers of foreclosures and job loses - the question is where is America heading.
George BUSH legacy is to have the majority of Americans wanting something different.
I think George BUSH lost it when he gave tax cuts to the richest Americans - they didn't need them.
Unless the middle class is again raised up to a position of prominence the United States as well as many other countries face a return to a feudal economy with the aristocracy owning most of the land and the rest of us being nothing more than tenants.
With this as the gloomy future the current battle looms as the most important of this generation.
The general public as not as dumb as every makes out - they know this is the case - hence the call for change - hence why Obama has been successful - because he represents something new.
Americans are big enough to look past race and look at the person and what they see in Obama is someone who might make their lives better.
We all want to own our own home, have the overseas trip and see our children have a better future than all own - the status quo has not brought this about - Bush with his ivy league secret society club was never going to bring the average American what they wanted - the question is who can do this - who can save the American middle class?
Health, Education, welfare, international politics, terrorism, a looming recession - the ending of the oil economy all mean the next decade could be the most important yet.
As the U.
is a moving and shaking of much of what happens in the world - even here in Australia we are interested in the current political developments occurring in the United States.
Senator Obama and Clinton continue to struggle to win the democratic nomination - whilst McCain - an unusual Republican has sewn up the Republican nomination.
Without a doubt the U.
is at a crossroads - as new technology fights to overcome the old oil based economy and millions are close to diving into the depths of poverty with huge numbers of foreclosures and job loses - the question is where is America heading.
George BUSH legacy is to have the majority of Americans wanting something different.
I think George BUSH lost it when he gave tax cuts to the richest Americans - they didn't need them.
Unless the middle class is again raised up to a position of prominence the United States as well as many other countries face a return to a feudal economy with the aristocracy owning most of the land and the rest of us being nothing more than tenants.
With this as the gloomy future the current battle looms as the most important of this generation.
The general public as not as dumb as every makes out - they know this is the case - hence the call for change - hence why Obama has been successful - because he represents something new.
Americans are big enough to look past race and look at the person and what they see in Obama is someone who might make their lives better.
We all want to own our own home, have the overseas trip and see our children have a better future than all own - the status quo has not brought this about - Bush with his ivy league secret society club was never going to bring the average American what they wanted - the question is who can do this - who can save the American middle class?