Gag Gifts for Accident-Prone People
- Does your sister always manage to fall, even when she is walking on a flat surface? Are her knees permanently scarred from all her tumbles? Give her a hand and buy her a gift that will surely be of use. Purchase a bicycle helmet along with knee and elbow pads. On the helmet, add lettered stickers that say, "It's because I'm a klutz." With her new gifts, she will be prepared anytime she is required to walk somewhere.
- If your friend has a knack for causing some sort of catastrophe whenever he attempts to do anything---from moving a couch to picking groceries off a shelf---give him an air horn attached to a thick string to wear as a handy necklace so he can blow it to alert innocent passers-by that he is about to attempt something that will likely result in disaster. Along with the horn, give him a homemade T-shirt to wear when he is out and about that says, "Caution. Accident-Prone. Stay Back 500 Feet."
- If your husband is always late for work because he is looking for his misplaced glasses or keys, give him a gift that will prevent him from ever being late to work again: a Velcro vest. Make the vest by purchasing a large, orange vest that crossing guards typically wear. Then, attach long strips of Velcro to the front until the entire front is the fuzzy, soft portion of the Velcro. Next, make little pouches out of fabric that will fit small items like keys or pens. Label each pouch with its desired contents, and stick the other half of the Velcro to the back (the tacky, rough side).
Upon giving the gift, instruct him to wear his vest and put the items in their pouch when he is finished using them. If he has a hard time remembering to do that, tie one end of a string to his frequently lost items and the other end to the vest. This way, nothing ever gets lost.
Helmet and Kneepads
Air horn and Caution Sign
Velcro Vest