How to Prevent Gangrene
- 1). Understand that if your circulation is impaired or if you are diabetic, you are more prone to developing gangrene because your blood supply is inadequate to repair damaged tissue.
- 2). Take care of your feet if your circulation is impaired or you are diabetic. Inspect your feet for redness, blisters, abrasions or cuts every day, and avoid walking barefoot. Cut your toenails straight across to avoid cutting yourself, and file calluses with an emery board rather than clipping them. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting shoes, and see a podiatrist regularly.
- 3). Avoid frostbite. Wear adequate protective clothing in cold weather, especially on fingers and toes.
- 4). Have your blood sugar checked regularly, especially if you have a family history of diabetes.
- 5). Monitor your blood pressure regularly, especially if you have a family history of hypertension.
- 6). Avoid smoking and excessive drinking of alcohol, both of which reduce circulation to the extremities.
- 7). Talk to your doctor about taking a drug that will improve your circulation, if you have a compromised circulatory system.