How John McCain Could Have Won the 2008 Election
As thin as the choices for the Republican candidate in 2008 were, John McCain honestly does probably have the best chance of winning the presidency.
Here are a few suggestions that he should consider for winning the election.
* STOP TRYING TO WIN LIBERAL VOTERS AS A LIBERAL Time and time again it has been shown that liberals will vote for the Democrat if they are going to vote for a liberal.
If there is no real difference between the candidates, they will go for the Democrat every time.
The only way to win the so called "Regan Democrats" is to be conservative and give a clear distinct choice.
At the same time, he won't anger his base which he must have to win to begin with.
* BE TOUGH ON THE BORDER The American public has undeniably shown that they want politicians to be tough on the border and are upset that more has not been done.
The currently President is notoriously lax on this issue, John McCain could pick up a lot of votes on both sides by being firm on it.
* PROMISE TO ONLY APPOINT STRICT CONSTITUTIONALISTS The Supreme Court should not be legislating from the bench.
This is not their function.
This needs to be fixed and gives McCain a clear distinction between the democrat and himself.
* BE TOUGH IN IRAQ AND LET THE GENERALS GET THE JOB DONE One of the biggest mistakes of the Bush Administration was trying to play a PC war.
Wars by definition are not politically correct.
They are brutal, bloody, and tying the hands of our military is just asinine.
Let them get the job done as they have many times before when given the chance.
As history will show, Mr.
McCain went the opposite route on most of these issues and lost to Mr.
Obama quite handedly.
I hope for the future that the next Republican candidate for President will take more heed to Conservative issues and values and give the American people an alternative instead of just "Democrat lite.
Here are a few suggestions that he should consider for winning the election.
* STOP TRYING TO WIN LIBERAL VOTERS AS A LIBERAL Time and time again it has been shown that liberals will vote for the Democrat if they are going to vote for a liberal.
If there is no real difference between the candidates, they will go for the Democrat every time.
The only way to win the so called "Regan Democrats" is to be conservative and give a clear distinct choice.
At the same time, he won't anger his base which he must have to win to begin with.
* BE TOUGH ON THE BORDER The American public has undeniably shown that they want politicians to be tough on the border and are upset that more has not been done.
The currently President is notoriously lax on this issue, John McCain could pick up a lot of votes on both sides by being firm on it.
* PROMISE TO ONLY APPOINT STRICT CONSTITUTIONALISTS The Supreme Court should not be legislating from the bench.
This is not their function.
This needs to be fixed and gives McCain a clear distinction between the democrat and himself.
* BE TOUGH IN IRAQ AND LET THE GENERALS GET THE JOB DONE One of the biggest mistakes of the Bush Administration was trying to play a PC war.
Wars by definition are not politically correct.
They are brutal, bloody, and tying the hands of our military is just asinine.
Let them get the job done as they have many times before when given the chance.
As history will show, Mr.
McCain went the opposite route on most of these issues and lost to Mr.
Obama quite handedly.
I hope for the future that the next Republican candidate for President will take more heed to Conservative issues and values and give the American people an alternative instead of just "Democrat lite.