How to Plan a Wedding in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- 1). Set a wedding budget. Decide how much money you have to put towards a wedding. Traditionally, the bride's family pays for all things related to the wedding ceremony and reception. The groom's family pays for the honeymoon and rehearsal dinner. If this arrangement is not financially applicable to your situation, then find out how much both sets of parents are able to contribute. This will give you a clear understanding of how much you have in total to spend.
- 2). Set a date. In Pittsburg, Pennsylvania the temperatures are more pleasant between the months of April through September, averaging to about 74 degrees during daylight. Be careful however, of months May, June and July when the area experiences much rainfall.
- 3). Create a guest list. Write down in a notebook the names of the people who you would like to attend. Circle the names of people that you would like to have in your wedding party. Smaller weddings allow you to do more within your budget; while larger weddings could qualify for venue and service discounts due to the amount of people.
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More than anything else guests expect to have a good time.jenny d strutting image by Earl Robbins from
List what's important. This part is all about what kind of couple you are. Maybe you're a couple that's really into non-profit organizations or maybe your religious beliefs are a big priority in your life. Based on what's significant brainstorm for creative ways to bring these elements into your ceremony and reception.
One way that a non-profit concept could be incorporated into a wedding is by having charity dances with the bride. Or, have guests make donations to a charitable organization instead of giving wedding gifts. Remember, every part of your wedding says something about the character of your union. - 5). Add the details. A good way to plan for every aspect of your wedding is to think about the five senses: touch, taste, see, smell and hear. Imagine standing beside your groom in a beautiful setting. In your setting write down: if your outside on a beach or inside a chapel, the colors you see, and eye-catching decor that's shown throughout. If you were to pick up something in the setting write down what it would be and why it would be there. Pretend that your standing still in your setting, write what sounds you hear, maybe you hear music and waves splashing on shore, or clapping, and stomping to a fast guitar tune. Finally, allow your mind to wander to the dining area of your setting. Jot down the smells and the dishes that would be spread out for your enjoyment.
The completion of this process should reveal everything you want in your wedding and reception from the flowers all the way to the entertainment at the reception. Don't worry of this creative process takes time, it usually takes two to three days complete this step. - 1
Make time to call venues and be patient during the process.Girl talking on the phone image by Angel_a from
Reserve your date. If you decide to marry in a church, reserve your date at least 12 weeks in advance, especially if it's during the summer months when churches host various summer programs for their youth.
Facilites like the Mayernik Center, Concordia Club and Omni William Penn Hotel offer venues that can be tailored specifically for your day. Contact them at least six months before your set date. The Mayernik Center and the Concordia Club both respond well to phone calls. The Omni and similar venues provide email and live chat agents to assist you. - 2). Share the good news. Although you've probably told just about everybody you know, now is the time to send out formal save the dates, and requests to the people that you would like to be in your wedding party. Remember, formal doesn't always have to require a postage stamp. The modern way to send out save the dates is through a customized email.
- 3). Contact vendors. It's always a good money saver when family members and friends have the talent and time to lend for your wedding occasion. Aunts that can cook, friends with a knack for decorating and cousins that don't mind rolling up their sleeves to help set up and clean up, will give you extra budgeting room for services that you want to have done professionally.
A common wedding planning mistake to avoid is not being specific about the service you expect both from the volunteers and the professionals. Know in advance what each service provider is able and willing to do during your wedding event. - 4). Dress for the occasion. Find and purchase your wedding attire. National wedding establishments and local wedding boutiques usually set up payment arrangements for wedding gowns and bridesmaid dresses. Typically dresses take eight to 12 weeks to be sized and delivered to wedding stores.
- 5). Send out the invitations. If all of your guests are local residents sending out invitations six to eight weeks in advance should be sufficient time for notification. For out-of-state guests it's better to send out wedding invitations eight to 12 weeks in advance, this gives your guests time to make travel arrangements and staying accommodations.
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