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Tips to Make Your Marriage More Rewarding

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It seems today that the institution of marriage is becoming more and more a matter of convenience rather than a strong binding commitment between two people who are dedicated to each other.
Our society and even the world has become more desensitized to divorce when just 50 years ago getting a divorce was a scandal.
Today its widely accepted and not looked down upon with the same level of scorn and shame that was once so typical.
Marriages fail for many reasons, Finances, Sex, cheating, Family disasters such as a death, or even that the marriage was based on a fantasy rather than on reality.
After the honeymoon is over and the mortgage is due and the finances run thin, reality sets in and the shimmer of the future suddenly doesn't look as bright as it once did.
Having unrealistic expectations during the engagement or courting time typically sets the stage for a strong rude reality check.
Today marriages need more than just the right set of circumstances and financial solvency; it requires that both spouses have realistic expectations and the ability to reach compromises.
Below are some simple tips to making your marriage more rewarding and fulfilling.
Following these tips aren't a cure all but you should do them with the intent to make your marriage better because that's what you genuinely want.
No amount of forced or insincere gestures will make your marriage better, you need to want it for it to have the desired effect.
TIP 1 - Part of what attracted you to your spouse was the "New Factor" everything was new, the person, the perspective, the likes and dislikes, the personality, trying to impress one another, these things made dating fun and exciting.
It was the exploration of each other that made the experience so great that you knew you just had to be with that person.
So what changed? Reality! At some point in the relationship the newness wore off, habits were discovered, the shinning suit of armor was stripped away to reveal a scruffy, fat obnoxious goon that you no longer recognize and the only thing you're left with is the desire to make things return to how they once were.
You want the spontaneity back, the romantic nights when you first discovered each other's bodies, you want the person you fell in love with in the beginning.
Getting back to that point is sometimes difficult, but getting there is the destination not when you actually arrive.
Let me explain that last sentence in more detail.
When you are actually doing the things to put your marriage on tract, you at that point will have arrived where you are wanting to go.
It's the act of courting and engagement that you were missing before, when you begin down the road of bringing back the passion you are on it.
You should do things that you once did when dating.
Go on fun dates, when did dating stop in your relationship? At what point did you stop going out to play a round of putt putt golf or go sit by the river and eat lunch together.
Simply going out to eat at a nice sit down restraint can bring back some of the passion.
Play games with each other, go to the clubs and hit on each other.
Simply put, Tip one is about doing the same things you did when you first started dating.
But do things frequently, go out two or three times a week if time permits.
Get the fire back in your relationship simply by going out and doing things again.
Create lasting memories that you can tell your kids about.
TIP 2 - Fire up the furnace! Every relationship reaches the point where something stops or becomes less frequent.
SEX!! There I let the elephant in the room.
Sex is the one thing that can have an immediate impact on your relationship.
Not having sex can have a negative impact and cause resentment for both spouses, nope not just guys, believe it or not girls may enjoy sex too.
Men and women enjoy sex for different reasons.
Women enjoy sex because it's emotionally stimulating.
They enjoy the companionship and romance of good sex.
You don't have to be a porn star to please your woman.
For you men it's about appealing to her romantic side.
If you want to have sex more frequently make the experience less about getting off and more about establishing a better connection with her senses.
It may sound cheesy and cliché but lighting candles and setting a mood will go a long way to getting what you want.
Sometimes couples have a hard time because the desire for sex naturally diminishes with age and the length of your relationship.
There is nothing wrong or embarrassing about using sexual supplements.
There are several great brands out there for helping you build up the fire of sexual desire.
When you are looking for a supplement you should make sure you find something that is potent and delivers what is promised.
Going to the urologist for Viagra is something that most men don't want to consider.
There are a number of Natural supplements like extend today which you can try for free on extendtoday.
com and another good one is ultra libido although it's not as potent.
Using supplements can be a quick way to build up your sexual desire, however you need to get the compounds in your system so the desired effects are there when you need them.
Nothing helps a relationship more than a healthy sex life.
Invest the time to make sex rewarding for both spouses and you will reap the benefits in the form of a better relationship.
TIP 3 - Going beyond the call of duty.
Ever idealized those who have won the Medal of Honor for going above and beyond the call of duty? You should have the goal to win the Medal of Honor in your relationship.
This requires a dedication and conviction in you that propels you to take control of your relationship and begin the process of bringing back the embers that were once a raging fire.
Doing this will require you to use your imagination.
Start with simple steps like doing the things you hates doing.
If you're a guy surprise her by knocking out the dishes when she's sleeping.
If you're the girl, turn the game on and bring him some chips, do something that he will notice as being out of character for you.
Something your spouse will genuinely appreciate and acknowledge.
Find at least four things a day that you can do to make your spouse happy.
Investing in your relationship like this can make your relationship fun and rewarding.
Kindness invokes kindness.
Your spouse will take notice of the effort and hopefully start to reciprocate out of desire and not expectation.
Never do these things with the expectation or implication that reciprocation is expected.
This should be done out of genuine love and respect as opposed to proving a point or using the act to shame them into doing the same for you.
Shaming someone out of obligation will have the opposite effect and make you seem in-genuine.
The entire point of this is to bring you closer together.
Displaying your love through actions is the essence that a good relationship is centered around.
TIP 4 - Give Genuine Love.
When you love someone and really love them, they know it.
Make sure that love is always on display, a simple kiss on the neck out of the blue goes a long way in establishing that you love your spouse.
There is no replacement for the human touch.
It can convey more than gifts or words or actions.
There is a melding of energies in communicating by touch.
Having that intimate relationship begins with touch.
When you're on the couch hold hands or cuddle up next to each other.
When you come home from work hug your spouse and spend the first moments of any reunion in intimate embrace.
Make sure your spouse feel that you missed them, that your day was not complete until they returned.
Doing so will reap immediate rewards.
TIP 5 - Forgiveness.
Perhaps the most important part of any good relationship is forgiveness.
Every relationship creates baggage, people's feelings get hurt, things are said or taken out of context, you spouse will make mistakes and at some point you will have to forgive them.
My advice to you is to forgive them! Unconditionally forgive them, make them aware that your love comes without conditions, that nothing is too big a mistake or too significant that your love for them can be lost.
True love shines brightest in adversity.
It's only going through something significant that you can really know your spouse and what they are made of.
You are able to judge their commitment to you and their dedication to the relationship.
At the same time your spouse is judging you according to your reactions to their mistakes.
How you handle those situations can make an impact on your relationship in the future and reacting with forgiveness is a great way to show your spouse that your love is truly unconditional.
I know it's tempting to say I told you so when those moments present themselves but immediate forgiveness pays off in the long run.
Forgiving your spouse in the face of a mistake no matter how big or how small will show them that you care about them.
Make forgiveness the rule as opposed to the rare exception.
Stop making mountains out of mole hairs and don't sweat the small stuff.
Life is too short to focus on the negatives in life.
Use these times to help build a stronger foundation of love in your relationship.
TIP 6 - Never Give up.
Any relationship is difficult, your two different people with different backgrounds and different points of views.
This has the potential to cause difficulties but more importantly it has the potential to make you closer.
The point is, never give up on your spouse, and make the best of the tough times because those times create the best chances for a sturdier foundation.
Never ever give up! Tip 7 - Communication.
Communication is key to developing a relationship.
When you were first starting out in your relationship you had to build a relationship on dialogue and getting to know each other's opinions.
Don't be afraid to have a different conflicting opinion.
This can be a tool to build the dialogue back up in your relationship.
Talk about things that you are both interested in but may have different opinions about.
The key here is to build and establish good communication with your spouse.
When you get away from watching TV 24/7 and start developing that channel of communication back up you start to notice things change in the dynamic of your relationship.
Your spouse will notice the extra attention and appreciate your new found interest in their opinions.
Making your marriage more rewarding is an investment in your future happiness.
The more effort you put in the more rewarding it will be.
Try to remember the things that attracted you to your spouse in the beginning and bring back the passion that you once had.
Remember kindness evokes kindness and love attracts love.
Always work on your relationship like it's the most important thing in your life because in the end it's the only thing really matters.
Your family will be happier, your children will feel more secure and have a better foundation for their future and you will have a new found respect for yourself.
Focus on building a better relationship and you will only thank yourself in the end.

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