Tips on a Baby Registry
- Keep these tips in mind when preparing your baby registry.Ron Levine/Lifesize/Getty Images
Planning for the arrival of a baby is an exciting time, but lots of preparation is involved. Creating a baby registry is a simple way to finalize a list of what you need and to let friends and family know what is best to give you and the baby. With so many choices for equipment and supplies, there are tips to keep in mind when preparing your baby registry. - Plan your baby registry four to five months before the baby is set to arrive. This allows plenty of time to choose exactly what you want and to change your mind before the registry it set in stone. Also, it is a good idea to prepare the registry in advance in case the baby makes an earlier-than-expected appearance!
- Do not push the baby registry on friends and family. If someone asks you what you need or want, feel free to share the registry information. Baby registries are essentially wish lists, meant to assist people who want to buy you something you will need. However, people do not need to buy a gift at all, let alone buy a gift from a registry. Maybe they want to give a piece of baby equipment--which is not on your registry--that their children loved. Let your friends and family what they want to give you, and you will receive meaningful gifts that will hopefully get good use from you and your baby.
- Keep price in mind when creating your baby registry. Try to choose items that range in cost because everyone has a different budget. Some people will be able to afford larger and more expensive items while others will be able to afford items that cost less. This does not mean that you cannot include some splurges because sometimes a group of friends or family members will pitch in for one big item for the baby.
- It's easy to get overwhelmed with so many choices. To make the process of preparing your baby registry easier, start with the essentials only and then work your way down to the smaller stuff. Large essentials include a place for baby to sleep, such as a bassinet and crib along with a crib mattress. A car seat is another large essential to register for--the baby cannot leave the hospital without one, so this should be at the top of your registry list!
Other essentials include a changing table, stroller, changing pad, dresser, rocking chair, receiving blankets, linens, thermometers, medical necessities (such as diaper rash creams, lotion, powder, and gas drops), bouncy seat, swing, play mat for the floor, breast- or bottle-feeding equipment (such as bottles or breast pumps), diapers, wipes, diaper bag, baby carrier, infant bath tub, hooded towels, wash cloths, shampoo, diaper pail, high chair and clothing (such as onesies, baby gowns, short- and long-sleeved shirts, warm socks and booties).
Start Early
Do Not Push the Registry
Start with the Essentials