Consider a Sugar Glider As an Exotic Pet
Sugar Gliders are one of the coolest exotic pets you can buy.
They are cute and cuddly and they seem to like people that are nice to them and feed them.
Since they are very small, they don't eat much and they hardly take any care, like other exotic pets.
Now, you must realize that not all jurisdictions allow sugar glider pets.
Why you ask? Well, if they get out, they can breed quickly and survive well in the wild, thus, they are considered invasive species in the wild and authorities often wish to prevent this scenario.
What you may not realize is these little critters are not mammals, but rather marsupials and this means they carry their young in a pouch for the very early parts of their lives.
Why do they call them gliders? Well, because they can spread their legs and arms and the flaps in between act as a glider/parachute devise, where they can move from tree to tree.
This helps them moves from place to place and evade predators.
They like to eat nectar like humming birds, but also eat fruit or even meat from small birds, eggs in nests or other very small rodents like mice and rats.
They are extremely smart and very good and cunning hunters, despite being so cute.
Since the sugar gliders are so social, they make wonderful pets, but really prefer to be paired, not alone.
Best of all they live longer than other furry creatures like rabbits and ferrets (12-15 years) and they are very playful and fun, exciting to watch, thus, they make a perfect pet.
So, please think on this.
They are cute and cuddly and they seem to like people that are nice to them and feed them.
Since they are very small, they don't eat much and they hardly take any care, like other exotic pets.
Now, you must realize that not all jurisdictions allow sugar glider pets.
Why you ask? Well, if they get out, they can breed quickly and survive well in the wild, thus, they are considered invasive species in the wild and authorities often wish to prevent this scenario.
What you may not realize is these little critters are not mammals, but rather marsupials and this means they carry their young in a pouch for the very early parts of their lives.
Why do they call them gliders? Well, because they can spread their legs and arms and the flaps in between act as a glider/parachute devise, where they can move from tree to tree.
This helps them moves from place to place and evade predators.
They like to eat nectar like humming birds, but also eat fruit or even meat from small birds, eggs in nests or other very small rodents like mice and rats.
They are extremely smart and very good and cunning hunters, despite being so cute.
Since the sugar gliders are so social, they make wonderful pets, but really prefer to be paired, not alone.
Best of all they live longer than other furry creatures like rabbits and ferrets (12-15 years) and they are very playful and fun, exciting to watch, thus, they make a perfect pet.
So, please think on this.