What Is the Average Time for Housebreaking a Puppy?
- First you need to pick a training method you are going to use to housebreak your puppy and stick with this method. Crate or puppy mat training are the most common forms. Also choose a phrase that you will say when the puppy goes to the bathroom, like "Good girl" or "Good potty."
- Identify and understand when puppies are most likely to go to the bathroom. Most puppies need to be taken out every three hours, after they eat, and when they wake up. Their water intake needs to be monitored.
- With the understanding that puppies will make mistakes, most puppies will be housebroken within a couple of months if their owner stays consistent in training. Patience, encouragement and consistency are the three key to success.
- A huge misconception in housebreaking puppies is to run their nose into where they made a mistake. Negative reinforcement can delay successful housebreaking more than just using positive reinforcements, such as treats, when the puppy performs correctly. If you do catch the puppy messing in the house, grab the puppy immediately, say a negative word such as "No," and quickly escort them outside to finish what they started inside. Always end on a positive note.
- Toy breeds and some hound breeds, such as beagles and basset hounds, are harder to housebreak. Toys are hard generally because of their independent/stubborn personality, and the hound breeds because they are so scent-oriented. When you purchase these animals, ask the breeders how they suggest housebreaking your new puppy. Unneutered male dogs can also be difficult to housebreak once they reach sexual maturity due to their instinct to mark their territory.
Time Frame