How to Access an IP Camera
- 1). Select "Run" from the Windows Start Menu and type "cmd" without quotation marks.
- 2). Type "ipcong/all" without quotation marks in the command prompt window.
- 3). Write down the IP address located on the "Default Gateway" line.
- 4). Close the command prompt window and open an Internet browser.
- 5). Type the previously recorded IP address in the address bar of the Internet browser.
- 6). Access the router configuration interface by entering the user name and password supplied by the Internet service provider.
- 7). Forward the proper port(s) and settings as defined by the manufacturer specific requirements of the IP camera. (Refer to the Resources section below for a list of routers and router specific instructions on how to forward ports.)
- 8). Save the new configuration.
- 1). Contact the Internet service provider for the static IP address associated with the network that has the IP camera.
- 2). Connect to an Internet connection outside the network where the IP camera is located.
- 3). Open an Internet browser.
- 4). Type the full static IP address supplied by the Internet service provider and the port that was forwarded during the configuration using the following syntax:
The "x's" represent the IP address, and the "y's" are the target port, e.g., - 5). Press the "enter" key to navigate to the public IP and connect to the IP camera.
Opening the Router Ports
Accessing the IP Camera