How to Read Body Language
- 1). Be aware of positive signs which show a person's interest. These include an attentive gaze with a relaxed brow, parted lips, open stance with arms at the sides, open hands, an upright posture that is facing and leaning towards you, frequent touches and mirroring images where the person casually mimics your body movements and tone.
- 2). Watch out for negative signs which communicate discomfort. Examples include an avoiding or darting gaze with furrowed brow, open mouth or clenched teeth, closed stance with arms crossed, clinched or fidgeting hands, a slouched posture that is turned and/or moving away from you, frequent yawns or clearing of the throat.
- 3). Listen for positive or negative tones in their voice. Some positive signs include matched volume and rate of speech, shared laughter and a rich warm tone. Examples of negative tones include mismatched volume (either too loud or soft), rate (too fast or slow) and shaky, quivering or choppy speech patterns.
- 4). Observe how they are dressed. Are they trying to make a good impression? Then formal clothing, showy jewelry and tidiness will probably describe their appearance. However if they are disinterested in impressions they may dress disheveled and appear unkempt.
- 5). Be aware of multiple meanings. Crossing your arms may indicate that you are stubborn, closed, tired or relaxing. Knowing the context of the body language will help you sort through this maze of duality.
- 6). Become more observant. The experts of body language are those who take time to study their craft. Therefore go to a mall, park or other area where people gather and try to pick up on their silent language. But take care to be discreet or else you may notice a lot of negative signs!